2020 - 2021 TA Teaching Awards


In an effort to promote and recognize TA excellence in teaching, each year our Mathematics Department selects some of our exemplary TAs as recipients of the departmental TA teaching awards. This year we are accepting applications during the Fall Semester, continuing a practice started in 2010. This gives winners a chance to include their award in their job applications, if they happen to be in their final year.


All documents must be turned into the Main Office (273 Altgeld Hall) by 4 pm on Wednesday, October the 20th.


Application Cover Sheet

Longitudinal ICES Scores [allow 10 - 14 days for processing]

Portfolio Instructions (Useful Tips) ( working link for teaching statement)

Application Check-List


If you have any questions during the application process, please contact the chair of TATAC, Stathis Chrontsios, via email: ekc3 [at) illinois [dot) edu.


You may submit an application if you meet any of the following requirements:

  • Have taught a standalone class

  • Have been on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent at least twice (not necessarily for a standalone class)

  • Have been nominated and received a letter to that effect in your Mathematics Department mailbox