

Accepted - Marques, FC, Bochio, GM, Lima, MR & dos Anjos, L. The selection of indicator species of birds and mammals for the monitoring of restoration areas in a highly fragmented forest landscape.

32. Monge-Fuentes, V, Mayer, AB, Lima, MR, Geraldes, LR, Zanotto, LN, Moreira, KG, Martins, OP, Piva, HL, Felipe, MSS, Amaral, AC, Bocca, AL, Tedesco, AC & Mortari, MR. Dopamine-loaded nanoparticules systems circumvent the blood-brain barrier motor function in mouse model for Parkinson's disease. Scientific Reports, 11:15185.

31. Batista, CB, Lima, IP & Lima, MR. (2021) Thirty-six years of research on bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in the Londrina region, Paraná state, southern Brazil: what have we learned? Mastozoología Neotropical, 28(1):1-13.

30. Fecchio, Alan; Lima, Marcos R.; Bell, Jeffrey; Schunck, Fabio; Corrêa, Aline; Beco, Renata; Jahn, Alex; Fontana, Carla; da Silva, Thaiane; Repenning, Márcio ; Braga, Érika ; Silva, José; Lugarini, Camile; Silva, Jean; Andrade, Leontina; Dispoto, Janice; dos Anjos, Carolina; Weckstein, Jason; Kirchgatter, Karin; Ellis, Vincenzo; Ricklefs, Robert; De La Torre, Gabriel. (2021) Loss of forest cover and host functional diversity increases prevalence of avian malaria parasites in the Atlantic Forest. International Journal for Parasitology, 51(9):719-728.

29. Fecchio, A, Faria, IP, Bell, JA, Nunes, R, Weckstein, JD & Lima, MR. (2021) Mining increases the prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites: a local analysis in Northeast Amazonia. Parasitology Research, 120:605-613.

28. Araújo, C, Jardim, M, Saturnino, N, Lima, GMR, Lima, MR & dos Anjos, L. (2021) The optimal listening period for an effective assessment of bird richness and composition: a case study of Neotropical forest. Journal of Ornithology, 162:303-306.

27. Batista, CB, Limas, IP & Lima, MR (2021) Beta diversity patterns of bats in the Atlantic Forest: How does the scale of analysis affect the importance of spatial and environmental factors? Journal of Biogeography, 48(1):1-10.


26. Biolchi, AM, Oliveira, DGdO, Amaral HdO, Campos, GAA,Gonçalves JC, Souza, ACBdS Lima, MR, Silva LP & Mortari, MR (2020) Fraternine, a novel wasp peptide, protects against motor impairments in 6-OHDA model of parkinsonism. Toxins, 12(9):550.

25. Adelino, JRP, Calsavara, LC, Willrich, G, Lima, GMR, Lima, MR & dos Anjos, L. (2020) Ecosystem functions of birds as a tool to track restoration efficiency in Brazil. Ornithology Research, 28:38-50.

24. Lima, MR & Pérez-Tris, J (2020) Host specialization and dispersal in avian haemosporidians. In D Santiago-Alarcon & AR Marzal (Eds.), Avian Malaria and Related Parasites in the Tropics: Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.

23. Da Silva, Lima, MR, Meletti, PC & Jerep, FC (2020) Impact of environmental enrichment and social group size in the agressiveness and foraging activity of Serrapinnus notomelas. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 224:104943.


22. Rodrigues et al. (2019) Atlantic bird traits: a dataset of bird morphological traits from the Atlantic forests of South America. Ecology, 100:pe02647.

21. Willrich, G, Lima, MR & dos Anjos, L (2019) The role of environmental heterogeneity for the maintenance of distinct bird communities in fragmented forests. EMU, 119:374-383.


20. dos Anjos, L, Volpato, GH, Lopes, EV, Willrich, G, Bochio, GM, Arakaki-Lindsey, BR, Nadson, SR, Mendonça, LB, Boçon, R, Carvalho, J & Lima, MR (2018) Distributions of birds and plants in ecoregions: implications for the conservation of a neotropical biodiversity hotspot. Austral Ecology, 43:839-849.


19. Adelino, JRP, dos Anjos, L & Lima, MR (2017) Invasive potential of the pied crow (Corvus albus) in eastern Brazil: best to eradicate before it spreads. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 15:227-233.


18. Santos Junior, PCA, Marques, FC, Lima, MR & dos Anjos, L (2016) The importance of restoration areas to conserve bird species in a highly fragmented Atlantic forest landscape. Natureza & Conservação, 14:1-7.

17. Gomes, FMM, Paniago, CK, Freire, DO, Souza, ACB, Lima, MR, Júnior, NGO, Franco, OL & Mortari, MR (2016) Anxiolytic-like effect of a novel peptide isolated from the venom of the social wasp Synoeca surinama. Toxicon, 122:39-42.

16. Willrich, G, Calsavara, LC, Lima, MR, Oliveira, RC, Bochio, GM, Rosa, GLM, Muzi, VC & dos Anjos (2016) Twenty-three years of bird monitoring reveal low extinction and colonization of species in a reserve surrounded by and extremely fragmented landscape in southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 24:235-259.


15. Fecchio, A, Lima, MR, Silveira, P, Ribas, ACA, Caparroz, R & Marini, MÂ (2015) Age, but not sex and seasonality, influence Haemosporida prevalence in White-banded Tanagers (Neotraupis fasciata) from Central Brazil. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93:71-77.

14. Dias, RI & Lima, MR (2015) Breeding biology and nest surivival in Tropical Screech-Owls (Megascops choliba) in the Brazilian Cerrado. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 127:432-440.

13. Hellgren, O., Atkinson, CT, Bensch, S, Albayrak, T, Dimitrov, D, Ewen, J, Kim, KS, Lima, MR, Marin, L, Palinauskas, V, Ricklefs, R, Sehgal, RN, Valkiunas, G, Tsuda, Y & Marzal, A et al. (2015) Global phylogeography of the avian malaria pathogen Plasmodium relictum based on MSP1 allelic diversity. Ecography, 38:842-850.


12. Lima, MR & Bensch, S (2014) Why some parasites are widespread and abundant while others are local and rare? Molecular Ecology, 23:3130-3132.

11. Clark, NJ, Clegg, SM & Lima, MR (2014) A review of global diversity in avian haemosporidians (Plasmodium and Haemoproteus: Haemosporida): new insights from molecular data. International Journal for Parasitology, 140:181-192.


10. Fecchio, A, Lima, MR, Svensson-Coelho, M, Marini, MÂ & Ricklefs, R (2013) Structure and organization of an avian haemosporidian assemblage in a Neotropical savanna in Brazil. Parasitology, 140:181-192.


09. Lima, MR, Macedo, RHF, Martins, TLF, Schrey, AW, Martin, LB & Bensch, S (2012) Genetic and morphometric divergence of an invasive bird: the introduced House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil. PLoS ONE, 7:e53332.


08. Fecchio, A, Lima, MR, Silveira, P, Braga, EM & Marini, MÂ (2011) High prevalence of blood parasites in social birds from a Neotropical savanna in Brazil. EMU, 111:132-138.

07. Lima, MR, Macedo, R, Muniz, L, Pacheco, A & Graves, J (2011) Group composition, mating system and relatedness in the communally breeding Guira Cuckoo in central Brazil. The Auk, 128:475-486.

06. Marzal, A et al. (2011) Diversity, loss, and gain of malaria parasites in a globally invasive bird. PLoS ONE, 6:e21905.


05. Lima, MR, Simpson, L, Fechio, A & Kyaw, CM (2010) Low prevalence of haemosporidian parasites in the introduced House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil. Acta Parasitologica, 55:297-303.

04. Lima, MR (2010) Effects of infectious diseases and parasites on host populations and natural communities: the use of non-indigenous species (NIS) as models. Oecologia Australis, 14:766-783.


03. Macedo, RHF, Quinn, JF & Lima, MR (2005) Reproductive skew and individuals strategies: infanticide or cooperation? Acta Ethologica, 8:92-102.


02. Cariello, MO, Lima, MR, Schwabl, HG, Macedo, RH (2004) Egg characteristic are unreliable in determining maternity in communal clutches of Guira Cuckoos Guira guira. Journal of Avian Biology, 35:117-124.


01. Kyaw, C, de Araujo, C, Lima, MR, Gondim, E, Brigido, M & Giugliano, L (2003) Evidence for the presence of type III secretion system in diffusely adhering Escherichia coli (DAEC). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 3:111-117.