
Welcome to my ePortfolio! My goodness, the past three years have been a wild ride! a lot in my life has changed since I moved up to Maine with my wife (which you'll read about more in my "about me" section), and whether it be good, bad, or just down right disastrous, it has shaped me into a guerilla, grass roots physical educator, who's looking to shake up how kids and adults alike are learning how to move their bodies.

"There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."

Malcolm X

My Primary focus in teaching movement is through Parkour, the french art of movement, or l'Art du deplacement. It incorporates all the best elements of movement disciplines such as gymnastics, rock climbing, and military techniques, and puts it into a package that teaches individuals how to overcome obstacles both of body and mind; it is my belief, one which I share with Parkour's philosophy, that adversity is not only good for growth, but necessary, and by challenging the status quo and ones limits, one's true potential is found.

"Leadership is not about you; it's about investing in the growth of others."

Ken Blanchard

Coaching Parkour and Ninja Warrior has given me a unique skill set to help individuals of all ages to harness their true potential; to overcome their limitations, however large and learn more about themselves in an hour than perhaps their whole lives. my experience as a para-educator and my time spent in the UNE Graduate program for Education has also given me an edge against the competition. Most personal trainers don't know how to generate curriculum, or how to work with the diversity of clients that I do. My unique path and experiences have given me the tools to change my clients lives, and teach them to love moving again, through play, creativity, and constructive risk taking.