The costs of the reports are outlined below. Costs are negotiable for childen of teaching staff, or if multiple assessments are to be carried out.

The process is as follows:

  1. Book and order your assessment & accompanying report.

  2. Sign a Service Agreement and agree our policy on confidentiality.

  3. Carry out the assessment with an appointed assessor at school, at home or online (zoom).

  4. Wait for the the report (typically one week).

  5. Meet with your assessor who will explain the contents and impact of the report and answer your questions.

  6. Arrange a follow up assessment if needed.

  7. The service includes any consulation you may require with external parties, such as teachers, doctors etc.

Dyslexia assessments

    • Cost from SGD $100-$200 for a straightforward dyslexia assessment and report (2 tests).

    • Assessments on site may include travel and accomodation costs.

Access Arrangements in schools;

    • Fully qualified specialist assessor

    • Liaison with SENCO and days/ dates arranged to fit JCQ deadlines

    • Support with filling in form 8 section A, B and completing and signing section C.

    • Copies of all necessary certificates and DBS certificate provided.

    • Email support and advice on JCQ access arrangement regs supplied as part of service.

    • Testing for extra time, scribe, reader.

    • All test papers included and supplied to school for evidence.

    • Costs - Access Arrangements SGD $100-$200 per child (1-4 tests).

Workshop / SEN Training

  • Online t.b.a.

  • Face to Face t.b.a. (plus travel & accomodation costs)

Whole School SEN Review Primary / Secondary

  • 1 week in duration (plus travel & accomodation costs)

  • Detailed Report