The Solution

The Buyers

Production Companies

Production companies that often hire on-set tutors can subscribe to the service. This is for the production companies that want to reduce their paper consumption, streamline their workflows, and have consistent and clear communication between the on-set tutor, parent, production members, and school teachers.

On-Set Tutors

On-set tutors can subscribe to the service to be part of the tutor database. The database offers tutors to connect with other tutors, and production companies. The tutor profile will have their teaching certifications, and will have their information saved for start packs.

Teaching and Learning

Learning Management System

Movie sets aren't always in a large studio facility, but are often on location. Sometimes the child actor will have a trailer, a tent, or even just in the outdoors. Almost always though, a quality WIFI connection is available. Time is money in the movie industry and the child actor has educational hours to fulfil on top of their acting schedule.

The EduReel digital tutor lab provides a place for the on-set tutor to deliver and manage the school work done by the child actor. Through this LMS, and cloud capabilities, the tutor and actor can access their work quickly, save their in-progress work, and post materials in advance. Sometimes on location filming takes place far from an internet connection, through the iOS and Android app, work can be uploaded once an internet connection is made.


The EduReel digital workbook provides two forms of educational collaboration, between multiple child actors, and between the tutor and the actor's school teacher. Multiple students will be able to work on and edit documents simultaneously, share links and other content. Most importantly, the actor's school teacher can communicate with the tutor and post assigments. This way, the tutor can help the actor stay on track with the curriculum while on set. This allows the tutor to teach content, and the school teacher keep track for assessment.



Incorpating an LMS into the onset tutoring landscape will allow for clear communition in one place between the tutor, actor, production, school teacher, and parent; rather than communication being scattered across many mediums. This EduReel digital messaging client will primarily benefit the tutor, production managers, and production coordinators who have to communicate constantly changing schedules and logistics.


Tutors are on-set for as long as the actor is, or when the actor is done their education hours for the day, or production. This can get very complicated. Through EduReel digital time card, educational time is tracked to the minute because educational time happens when it's convenient to the shooting schedule. This means 20 minutes here and there upto six hour time slots. This helps everyone keep track of time remaining, or time that has been banked. Tutors can also track their time on and off the clock.

Tutor Database and Start Packs


When a production company subscribes to EduReel they are granted access to the EduReel tutor database that tutors can sign-up for. Usually, the hunt for a tutor happens by word of mouth and these jobs aren't posted anywhere. This database will make it easier for tutors to find a production to work on, and for a production to find a tutor.

Start Packs

When an employee signs on to a new show or film they have to fill out a start pack that has all their basic information required to work in British Coumbia. These packs are often done on paper and take a very long time. With the EduReel digital start pack, it only needs to be filled out once, and is stored securly in the cloud storage.

Microsoft Azure

Cloud Computing Service

EduReel will be hosted by Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing service that is secure, provides support for open source, all languages, all frameworks, and is scalable, leaving room for future growth. It is used by the international auditing company KPMG, and the international restaurant chain, Chipotle.

API Management

Since EduReel is a niche product and production companies maybe already have an onboarding management system, Azure's API management can send start packs to services such as Circus HR, or time cards to other payroll software.

Photo by Tadas Sar on Unsplash