The Problem

Why is a Tutor Needed?

If a child actor is going to miss three or more days of school they require education time on set. The education has to be provided by a tutor, who also acts as a liason with production. The tutor as makes sure that the child actors needs for well-being are being met.

The UBCP/ACTRA agree makes a few important notes (2018, p. 64):

  • The tutor must be certified by the BC College of Teachers

  • Education time is in 20 minute blocks totaling 3 hours of the work day

  • There must be no more than 10 students per tutor

  • The producer is responsible for accurate records of education time

Time is Money

According to the Creative BC 2019/2020 Impact Report there were 411 productions in British Columbia that contributed to $2.41B total GDP with a 16.4% Compound Annual Growth Rate from 2010 to 2018. This industry provides 35,332 total jobs (traditional full time + equivalent) and 21,305 direct jobs (traditional full time + equivalent) (p. 54-57). That is a lot of money, administration, and logistics.

There are already digital solutions for this industry to help with scheduling, payroll, start packs, such as Circus HR, but it doesn't meet the daily needs between the on-set tutor, child actor, production, parent, and school teacher. A start pack is a booklet of documents that contains agreements for conflict of interest and anti-harassment, hourly rates, payroll information, tax information; essentially it allows the worker to be paid and to agree to the work conditions.

There is no database for expert on-set tutors, production companies are left to phone around and hire by word of mouth. Communication between production and on-set tutors is cumbersome and complicated, mulitple email threads, relaying of text messages. For crew onboarding, thick booklets of start-packs have to be filled in by hand by each tutor for each production they're a part of. Complicated educational hours for the child actor are difficult to track.

A solution to these pain points is needed to make their workflow simpler. It's too challenging to coordinate emails and text messages from parents, production, and school teachers. Communication should be in one place. Also, the school work of the child actor should be in one place and auto-saved. Child actor's can be called to set at anytime, their educational time can be brief or long durations, these times need to be easily tracked. There is the issue of the child actor's school teacher getting work to the child actor. This is where EduReel provides a solution.