
MAD for Europe

MAD for Europe is an international no-profit organization established in the centre of Madrid as a reference training institution and VET provider, specialized in European Training and Mobility programs.


The organization is active in the labour market and in the fields of Education, Training and Culture. Our paths are focused on entrepreneurship, creative industries, social work and voluntary services, education, training and promotion of new technologies, culture and art.


We realize that our goal is the educational and professional growth of the person, whether young or old.

Platon School

The main purpose of the school is the holistic approach to the issue of education. That is why they train students to face life as complete personalities. Their purpose is not only to prepare tomorrow's scientists, but to shape souls and infuse young people with the human values and goods of civilization.

Platon Schools combine tradition with innovation and through dynamic pioneering European programs aim at shaping citizens with a national conscience and at the same time with European culture, in order to meet the requirements of the modern era.

Their school provides a comprehensive educational program with modern teaching methods, thanks to which each student acquires a wide range of knowledge, while developing his particular inclinations and skills.


Their mission is to give children a different experience of the world around them. There are so many things that children can learn through fun when they don't even realise they are really learning. Through experiential approaches, they aim to increase retention and storage in long-term memory, as this way of learning involves multiple senses at the same time. In addition, this way of learning is much more fun than just theoretical delivery of the material.

GoINNO wants to promote learning in a different, more experiential way because we believe it is possible. They want to revive this childlike curiosity and desire for new knowledge in children of all ages and at all stages of life.


Italy for EU is a European non-profit organisation pursuing social solidarity objectives and operating in the fields of training, non-formal education, volunteering, sustainable tourism and youth.

Italy for EU strongly believes in the possibilities offered by European programmes such as Erasmus+ and in the cooperation between European partners for the development of ever new educational methods and stimulating knowledge through unique life experiences. The aim of the organisation is to promote cultural activities and exchanges in Italy and Europe, to encourage non-formal learning and to address issues that can help tackle the problems of modern society.

Italy for EU is made up of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team that promotes interculturality and the values of equality, respect and solidarity.


The genesis of EPROMAT dates back to 1992 with the signing of a contract programme between the Business Association of the Matosinhos Municipality and the Ministry of Education to create the Vocational School of Matosinhos, constituting itself as an alternative training modality to the regular education system. More than 25 years after its foundation, this school has developed a diversification strategy, promoting the development of the mentioned level 4 Professional Courses, Learning Courses but also Youth Education and Training Courses, Adult Education and Training courses, Certified Modular Training and level 5 Technological Specialization Courses.

EPROMAT's mission is to organise training at different levels of education and training, integrated in diversified paths of professional qualification, in order to provide young people and adults with professional and citizenship knowledge and competences that allow them a better insertion in the world of work in close articulation with the economic and social fabric.

IES Pedro Salinas

It is an educational centre which provides Compulsory Secondary Education. It has a bilingual Spanish-English programme, Aula de Enlace, Aula TGD TEA and baccalaureate in the modalities of Humanities - Social Sciences and Sciences (day and evening). 

Located in the capital of Madrid, the institute began its activities in 1968 and is an educational reference that continues to this day.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them