

Kick-Off Meeting in Portugal

3rd, 4th and 5th October 2021 - Matosinhos

The meeting was planned for three days in Matosinhos, in Portugal. The host organization was EPROMAT, the Portuguese partner, that coordinated this meeting with MAD for Europe. The approach behind was to have an on time updating of the project implementation in each country and to start with all project activities, that where explained one by one. Also, the coordinators reviewed the dates of the Meetings and the Training Events. 

C1 Event in Italy

21st to 25th February 2022 - Rome

The meeting was planned for five days in Rome, in Italy. The host organization was Italy for EU, the Italian partner, that coordinated this meeting with MAD for Europe. The approach behind was to have an on time updating of the project implementation in each country and to start with all project activities, that were explained one by one. Also, the coordinators reviewed the dates of the Meetings.

2nd TPM in Greece

23rd and 24th June 2022 - Katerini

The meeting was planned for two days in Katerini, in Greece. The host organization was  PLATON, the Greek partner, that coordinated this meeting with MAD for Europe. Each partner presented the first experimentation with  educators, students, counsellors through the analysis of their feedback in each country. Also, the preparation of material to be included in the Pro.Guiding platform (O2) was explained again and the coordinator defined the graphic structure of  "FutureCareer" (O1) and analysis of the  collected photos and videos.

C2 Event in Slovenia

12th to 16th December 2022 - Nova Gorica

The meeting was planned for five days in Nova Gorica, in Slovenia. The host organization was GOINNO, the Slovenian partner, that coordinated this meeting with MAD for Europe. In this second LTTA (C2) of the KA2 Project EDU.Guidance the digital plataform FutureCareer has been presented and all partners are creating all together the materials for this output. We learned a lot with these working groups, debates and brain-storming with all the European partners.

Final TPM in Spain

17th to 19th May 2023 - Madrid

The meeting was planned for two days in Madrid, Spain. The host organization MAD for Europe and it was very important in order to manage the correct conclusion of the project. We discussed about the sustainability of the actions after the project closure, confirmed the strategies in the dissemination of the two project platforms and collected the partners contributions to the Final Report.

C3 Blended Mobility in Spain

15th to 19th May 2023 - Madrid

This important transnational encounter started with a Virtual Mobility online in which the participants started to know each other and then they had this peer-to-peer activity in Madrid to highlight and strengthen the overall project result, also through their participation in the multiplier event, conclusive of the whole project. It was a success and the Agenda was full of dynamic activities and they enjoyed a lot. Four students per country (8 from Spain) and 1 accompanying teacher attended the C3 together with the project coordinators for a total of 32 participants.


1st Online Meeting 21st December 2020

The meeting was planned for two hours - the approach behind was to firstly meet each other, “train” how to communicate best when no one knows each other and see how the online meetings work out and which kind of work one can do easily in that way is an open question. 

The coordinator presented the project as a whole to all partners, by sharing the screen and a detailed presentation of the same, including partners tasks, detailed description of Intellectual Outputs, the major points of the work program, the plans for communication, dissemination and sustainability.

The next part was dedicated to Project Management; the Coordinator explained that there will be quarterly check-ups of timesheets and possible expenditures and the fulfilment of content related tasks. The communication, documentation and next deliverables were also explained.

2nd Meeting Online 10th February 2021

The meeting was planned for one hour and half - the approach behind was to have an on time updating of the project implementation in each country and the possibility to meet face-to-face very soon and start with all project activities.

The coordinator presented the specific tasks of each partner, by sharing the screen and a detailed presentation of the same, in order to explain and clarify any possible doubts before signing the Partnership Agreement all together. All partners agreed with their tasks and committed themselves to work in the best way they can at the project.

The coordinator explained that the project Dissemination have already started in Spain in all social networks and the coordinator website. All partners will start since now with this dissemination.

3rd Meeting Online 28th April 2021

The meeting was planned for two hours - MAD for Europe explained step by step to the rest of the partners the website that they created, going in details with all the pages. After this, the most important part was the section “CompARTE”, where all partners have to be involved because it’s a private platform only for them. At the end of the explanation, they agreed with all the work done.

Italy presented and explained the Dissemination Plan to the rest of the partners, highlighting in particular the most important aspects such as publication on websites, dissemination of the project in schools and guidelines for good communication.

The next step was a presentation of the field study, good practices and situational analysis by all partners. They explained a general introduction and overview of each country.

4rd Meeting Online 22nd June 2021

MAD for Europe explained the Work Plan so all partners could know the exact activities they had to do during the next months. Later, the coordinators presented the Communication plan by sharing the screen and a detailed presentation of the same, explaining that the internal and external communication are very important in the project, and the results of each partner are very good at the moment.

The Edu.Guidance website was also presented because there were some updates that the partners didn’t see in the last online meeting.

All partners agreed with their tasks and committed themselves to work in the best way they can at the project.

5th Meeting Online 12th January 2022

MAD for Europe explained the Work Plan so all partners could know the exact activities they had to do during the next months. Later, the coordinators presented the Communication plan by sharing the screen and a detailed presentation of the same, explaining that the internal and external communication are very important in the project, and the results of each partner are very good at the moment.

The Edu.Guidance website was also presented because there were some updates that the partners didn’t see in the last online meeting.

All partners agreed with their tasks and committed themselves to work in the best way they can at the project.

6th Meeting Online 11th October 2022

MAD for Europe explained step by step to the rest of the partners the updates of the  dissemination and the website. Also the importance on continuing with the  experimentation activities with the students of the 12 methodologies created by the  partnership until the end of November 2022 before (as all these first results will be presented  in the C2 of Slovenia) and then also until the C3 of Madrid with the eventual adjustments if  needed.

MAD for Europe reminded all partners that since now the phase of realizing “LOCAL  EVENTS” for presenting the first project results starts so each country will organize at  least one, whose results will be presented also in Slovenia to the rest of partners. 

For these local events each partner will provide a short minute, including the total number of  participants and their status (teachers, students, parents etc…) together with a description of  the event, if possible a signature list, photos and some videos if possible. 

7th Meeting Online 11th November 2022

All partners presented the updates of the activities done with the students in the identification of the desired jobs and professions. It was discussed the second part of the “FutureCareer” platform which will focus on the SOFT SKILLS young people should need in their professional future.

Epromat enjoyed the opportunity for presenting and sharing a very interesting video about a 5 minutes monologue made by an expert in HR.

Each partner will have between 5 and 8 professions to develop. They will have to record in video to these professionals in English, and then put the subtitles in each language so all students can watch them.

Later, the coordinators presented the Agenda of the C2 Event in Slovenia from the 12th to the 16th December 2022.

8th Meeting Online 07th February 2023

It was very fruitful we have discussed about the new methodologies with students in each country and how the local events will be organized.

Then the Slovenian partner, GOINNO, provided an updated presentation of the platform FutureCareer 

Also the selection of students and teacher for the C3 in each country was another important point we confirmed together with some practical info about the C3 Blended Mobility in Madrid which will take place in the following dates 15-20 May 2023

9th Meeting Online 07th March 2023

MAD for Europe explained the detailed Agenda of the C3 Blended Mobility in Madrid.

Then we discussed about the next steps for the content of Future.Carreer and the work of each partner at this.

Prepare the document of the 30 professions selected by each country with the jobs prospects and salary range of each one by following the example of Spain, done by MAD for Europe

Prepare the document about the SOFT SKILLS for the platform Future.Carreer

10th Meeting Online 04th April 2023

All partners discussed about the accomplished tasks and the new ones:

Prepare the document of the 10 most demanded jobs in each country with the jobs prospects and salary range of each one and upload in the country folder inside JOBS/CAREER 

Prepare a list with the involved secondary schools in each country, not only in the experimentation with students but also in the dissemination of the project. 

We also clarified some practical doubts about the C3 Mobility of Madrid and continued with the virtual communication between participants.

11th Meeting Online 04th May 2023

It was a practical meeting for organizing all details about the C3 Mobility in Spain and the Final TPM in Madrid.

Also MAD for Europe and the I.E.S. Pedro Salinas explained how the Final Multiplier Event will be organized on the 19th of May.

12th Meeting Online 27th June 2023

It was the final online meeting in which we discussed the final actions to be done for closing the project about documentation.

We also presented the Final Evaluation of the overall project and the results were really good.

Finally we decided to keep working together at new initiatives. The EDU.GUIDANCE partnership has been really good and fruitful.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them