The idea of the project was born from the several years of experience in guidance developed by all the European partners to help students in their choice of career in order to innovate, internationalise and make guidance more effective by integrating it into the didactics and creating awareness of the different actors influencing the choice processes of young people.

We believe that it is necessary to promote the digitalisation of content, as well as the development of technical skills of counsellors, as strategic factors. 

We believe that the promotion of the use of ICT and the creation of specific and innovative tools at European level can be the key to a necessary change in order to increase the quality of education.

Project Start Date: 01 December 2020

Project End Date: 31 August 2023

Total duration: 33 months


Research of the main existing methods and exchange of best practices, with proposals for new techniques and strategies to guide the choice of higher education studies or future work.

Creation, experimentation and adaptation of two intellectual outputs, very useful at educational level: two innovative and specific digital tools for student guidance and for training motivated and well prepared young people to face the challenges and demands of the labour market. The O1 "FutureCareer" is a pedagogical platform with online guidance value to support students in identifying the different representations of the main aspects and knowledge of the different professions. The O2 "PRO.Guiding" is a web portal of educational itineraries carried out with the methodology of educational guidance didactics diversified by disciplines in order to share trajectories of excellence and good pedagogical practices that serve as an example and help in daily practice.

Three Transnational Meetings, two Short Training Events for staff, teachers and guidance counsellors and one Final Joint Mobility with 30 European students.

Important phase of dissemination and sustainability of the materials and intellectual results of the project, with several local events and concrete activities that culminated in a Final Multiplier Event in Madrid. A participatory methodology has been used, aimed at the active contribution of all the partners and subjects involved, the valorization of the good practices of each country and the innovation of the intellectual results.

 Our project wanted to have a real outcome and impact on the educational community at European level: 

- teachers and guidance counsellors have obtained new competences and strategies in an educational and vocational training context; 

- students have learned about professional and educational careers, which greatly supported students' participation, retention, commitment to learning, performance and progression to the next level or to work, and thus they will be able to compete in the labour market as future professionals;

- the partner schools and institutions have created a strong link and are continuing to cooperate now that the project is completed. 

The long-term benefits will be seen as an improvement in the quality of education and training in the partner institutions and in European education policies. 

The digital tools created will be in constant renovation of information, the material will be freely accessible and downloadable. 

The multiplication of the availability of the results in different countries will guarantee the continuity of the main idea of the project benefiting different educational communities, responsible for educational policies, in the theme of educational and vocational orientation which means a better support and understanding towards this theme.

Main Activities Of The Project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them