
The EDU-DAPRO Project partners are developing the following five results to achieve the project aims.

IO1: A digital diagnosis tool

A diagnosis tool online that helps companies to profile the management controls in place in relation to personal data and GDPR.

IO2: E-assessment tool

The tool specifically targets the training of employees who are engaged in SMEs and deal with the management of personal data.

IO3: A mobile app

A flexible tool designed to support training in and out of the work and training places. The content of the App comprises of a number of micro modules, 1-2 minutes of training duration each, based on IO2 results . Get the App!

IO4: The Digital Board Game

The tool specifically targets the training of employees who are engaged in SMEs and deal with the management of personal data.

IO4: The Escape Game

Complete this escape game as an individual or share the challenge with a group!

A training guide

The Guide directs the user in using the EDUDAPRO Resources effectively by providing a set of teaching methods and lessons designs that help trainers use the tools in a pedagogically effective way.


Erasmus+ Project N°2019-1-FR01-KA204-062139

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This webpage reflects the views only of the EDU-DAPRO partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.