
Check this page regularly for updates about the EDU-DAPRO project and project newsletters, which can be accessed from below:

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Project News Updates

Transnational Project Meeting in Malta

Posted on 16/12/2021

EDUDAPRO partners attended the Transnational Project Meeting to ensure coordination over the projects' progress.

Exciting developments will follow. Follow us on Facebook

Training the Trainer Event in Malta

Posted on 14/12/2021

EduDapro partners organised a ‘Training the Trainers’ event in Malta to train and evaluate the GDPR related project results including the Escape and Serious Games. Feedback was also received on the Learning Framework Guide and Pathways

EDU-DAPRO Dissemination

Posted on 17/10/2021

Here is what our friends in Austria did earlier this week. They were raising awareness about of EDU-DAPRO results.

Virtual Meeting

Posted on 16/09/2021

Data sharing with the UK

Posted on 10/07/2021

EU approves data flow to UK but adds sunset clause

Read more here.


Posted on 01/06/2021

EDUDAPRO Team is currently working on the Game.

Currently, testing is being conducted on four languages,



More info up soon.

EU must overhaul flagship data protection laws, says a ‘father’ of policy

Posted on 20/05/2021

GDPR already out of date and must be revised for new tech, says Axel Voss

GDPR needs “some type of surgery” less than three years after it came into force, and ahead of a vote by the parliament to celebrate it as a “gold standard for the world”.

Read more


Try out the EDU-DAPRO Quiz!

Posted on 01/05/2021

Click the below to try our interactive quiz: 👇

#gdpr #data #erasmus #edudapro

GDPR and Social Media

Posted on 15/04/2021

"Facebook is under investigation for a possible breach of EU privacy laws after reports of a large-scale data leak in which the personal information of 533m users was shared online."


Importance of GDPR awareness

Posted on 30/03/2021

GDPR Awareness amongst SMEs "As the results show, many businesses could be in breach of GDPR – most likely without even realising it, said Chris Mallett"


The EDU-Dapro experience...

Posted on 10/03/2021

From the perspective of a team member.

Click on the thumbnail to access video.

Guess what is under construction?

Posted on 25/02/2021

A game to learn how to deal with data protection is under development.

Stay tuned by following here!


Posted on 19/02/2021

Concepts to consider in complying with GDPR during data handling

The 7 Key Principles of GDPR

Posted on 15/01/2021

Click the image for an outline of the Regulation

The EDU-Dapro experience

Posted on 12/01/2021

Reflecting on the EDU-Dapro project:

Click here or on the thumbnail on the left to access the video

And don't forget to like our Facebook page:

BREXIT and Data Protection

Posted on 10/12/2020

Keeping abreast of the applicability of Union Law in the UK - Click the image for more

With EDU-Dapro, you learn by doing and... playing

Posted on 02/10/2020

Our evaluation tool is under way

Keep updated with the latest updates on this webpage!

Virtual Transnational Collaboration

Posted on 12/08/2020

The current flight restrictions has not limited the motivation between EDU-DAPRO partners to continue disseminating GDPR-related info. Cross-border communications are still ongoing between participant organisations via electronic means.


Posted on 30/06/2020

EU Commission issued Communication regarding two successful years of GDPR

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Data protection as a pillar of citizens’ empowerment and the EU’s approach to the digital transition - two years of application of the General Data Protection Regulation {SWD(2020) 115 final}

An intro towards GDPR from the Wall Street Journal perspective

Posted on 17/06/2020

Partners hold 1st meeting in Caen, France

Posted on 12/12/2019

EDU-DAPRO partners met for the first time in Caen, France, on 10th December 2019 to discuss and plan project activities and deliverables. A comprehensive outlook of the project was deliberated even in terms of evaluation that the partners' intend to perform and the budgetary allocations according to the results.

EDU-DAPRO Project launched !

Posted on 02/09/2019

The EDU-DAPRO project, has officially started on 2nd September 2019. This Erasmus+ project, funded through French National Agency will run for 28 months. EDU-DAPRO involves 6 partners from France, Czech Republic, Greece, Malta, Romania, Spain & Sweden. It is coordinated by Palacký University Olomouc.

Erasmus+ Project N°2019-1-FR01-KA204-062139

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This webpage reflects the views only of the EDU-DAPRO partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.