

The aim of this Erasmus+ Project called EDU-DAPRO is to assist businesses in attaining better understanding of the law and help them comply with the relevant regulation, whilst train EU citizens on how to handle their personal data.

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), agreed upon by the European Parliament and Council has become effective on May 25, 2018 which means that companies must ensure that they are in compliance with the new requirements of the GDPR. It is important to note that any company that markets goods or services to EU residents, regardless of its location, is subject to the regulation. However many stakeholders are still unclear of what this regulation really implies and more importantly, of how they can adhere with it. To offset this situation, a team of EU partners has joint forces to transfer knowledge on GDPR to European Adults. To therefore learn more and keep yourself updated on GDPR, follow this web page maintained by the Erasmus+ Edu-Dapro consortium.

EDU-DAPRO: The Project

This project seeks to create positive business outcomes within different companies through the proposed transitions that they may effect in their value chains and align accordingly. Well managed and secured data can increase companies' efficiency and competitiveness, by enabling them to monitor the relationship with customers, gain new markets and improve products and services and ease collaboration between stakeholders. With regards to the general public, this project will empower individuals to take control of their personal data and its use, by having wider cognisance of the risks generated by the data flow. To achieve its overall aim of addressing the target groups, the project consortium has set a number of objectives as follows:

Objectives :

OBJ1: To help businesses have a better understanding of the law and help them comply with the regulation which can have very positive consequences on their value chain. Well managed and secured data can increase companies' efficiency and competitiveness, enable them to personalise and monitor the relationship with customers, gain new markets and improve products and services and ease collaboration.

OBJ2: To train EU citizens on how to handle their personal data with the objective for them to be able to reinforce the control over their own data and their use. They need to be aware of the risks generated by the data flow and know how to deal with it.

Target Groups :

TG1: Adult trainers that can exploit the EDU-DAPRO training material;

TG2: Adult learners that want to up-skill their skills on GDPR;

TG3: Stakeholders interested in learning more about GDPR for improving their business operations

Erasmus+ Project N°2019-1-FR01-KA204-062139

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This webpage reflects the views only of the EDU-DAPRO partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.