Website: / Blogs: link posted on Google Classroom ~ Twitter hashtag: #edu122
Evaluation / Assignments
We will use myCourses for assignment submission and feedback. Mighty Network will be used to write the weekly blogs.
Course expectations and requirements include:
active classroom participation; timely completion of assignments.
reading of assigned articles, research, writing, a collaborative programming project, and a demonstration of technical fluency.
creative thinking, problem solving, risk taking, humour and joyful exploration will be valued highly.
attendance at all classes is expected, learning and playing with technology requires considerable time and practice, it is therefore important that you will attend ALL classes. A bonus mark will be given for perfect attendance.
Evaluation criteria:
2.7 The blog post has all the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It uses correct spelling and grammar, has a clear, original point, and backs it up with specific evidence. It opens up possibilities for future discussion.
2.5 The blog entry has most of the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It often uses correct spelling and grammar (but with occasional mistakes)
2.2 The blog entry lacks many of the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It does not have a clear point, lacks specific examples, or has many spelling and grammar errors.
Post weekly entries on Mighty Networks.
Reflective Online Blog (journal) (20 marks)
Please use the following suggestions / directions for your weekly blog:
Give each entry a title followed by class number (i.e. My Biography ~ class 1).
The blog is worth 20 marks and usually makes a difference between a B+ or an A- or an A. Your MUST relate what we do in class (discussion, lab activities, what I say, etc.) with the course textbook and other class readings.
Sometimes throughout the course you will be asked to react to one of the readings specifically. The instructions will be given by Sam during the given week. Your entry for the week should be longer than usual (i.e. an extra paragraph or two specifically referencing the article). You may use one or more of the following prompts, if you’re looking for inspiration:
What's good? What did you find interesting or insightful about the reading? Did you appreciate their presentation of the theory, example applications or demonstrations, or their analysis and evaluation?
What's bad? What did you find confusing or unsupported in the work? Did they present theory without evaluation, or did the topic seem poorly developed and trivial?
Were there flaws or problems they didn't adequately address?
What did you learn today?
How do you feel about technology? (more/less comfortable)
What was the most useful/meaningful thing you learned in today's class?How could you apply the content of today's class in your personal, academic, or future professional life?
Was technology mentioned or used in your other classes?
What did you contribute to today's class?
Creating a Digital Identity (15%)
As of the Winter 2023 semester, we are using Google sites
Here's an old sample Weebly site with instructions. (education students) ~ to be updated in January 2023, based on class feedback.
Here are some other examples (different platforms to inspire you):
Samantha: ( (
Haley: (
The class portfolios will be posted ---> student work. Here are non-education examples:
Siera (non-education example):
Use Torrey Trust's site on webdesign as guide
Choosing to develop an educational website that makes sense in light of your own career situation and goals, is challenging (a bit of a stretch is expected), but not something that will kill you. ;-).
Make sure it's portfolio quality... something you'll want to use and show to others! I recommend that you build a site where existing content exists.
There may be places in your website where you want to develop something but do not have the skills to do so yet. Please play and practice ~ have fun. A rubric will be given for you to evaluate the site.
This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade and should be about 75% complete by week 7 or 8 of the course.
You will be allowed to continue working on the site right up to the end of the course at which point I will give you a final grade.
Final Video Presentation (15%)
For your final video project you will create a 3 to 4 minute video that will be uploaded to YouTube. Details to follow… here’s the rubric that will be used for the evaluation.
In addition ~ to the presentation of the digital storytelling project itself, each student is also expected to submit a final project report (Journal # 14 post in Mighty Networks ~ title —> Final Project) that describes work on the project. The report should address each of the following items:
1. What was the main topic of your project?
2. What were the major objectives of the project?
3. Why did you select this topic and who do you think would be interested in viewing it?
4. Please include a description of the images/video you took with a digital camera and the images that you modified with image editing software that was included in the final project.
5. Describe if and how this project might be used in a formal or an informal educational setting.
6. Describe the process you went through in completing the final project. This should include a list of all of the software programs you used, where the content for the project came from, what items in the project changed from the early stages of selecting the topic through completion, plus any other information that describes your work on the project.
7. Describe the major challenges you faced in creating this project and if and how you overcame them.
8. Discuss the most significant things you learned from completing the final project.
9. Please add any other information you feel should be included in the report.
OR you may submit a tech infused lesson plan in groups of two or three students (explained in class)
Lab Exercises (20 marks)
Weekly lab exercises will be completed in class.
Each lab will be worth 3 marks. Details to follow in class.
Lab needs to be uploaded on myCourses at the end of each class.
Readings & Participation (25 marks)
Weekly social readings on @Perusall or MyLab
Weekly group discussion rubric
Flip and Twitter (5 marks)
4 to 6 posts weekly on average. Lab to be completed in class 2 along with intro and final reflection flip ~ explained in classes 1 and 2