Research INTERESTs

Stellar populations, dust content, and AGN activity in galaxies

As an INAF - Postdoctoral Researcher and member of the Florence Extragalactic Group, I explore the ways the galaxy components, such as the interstellar medium (i.e. gas, dust, metals), the stellar populations, and the environment, interact and relate to each other in star-forming galaxies. More specifically, I try to relate the optical extinction, to the dust distribution and to the gas surface density, on resolved scales, and investigate possible dependences with other galaxy properties. I am also interested in the mechanisms that trigger the star-formation activity on galaxies with pure elliptical morphology.

As a doctoral candidate I have worked on multi-wavelength data (UV to sub-mm) of large samples of galaxies such as DustPedia, GOALS, GAMA, HELP, etc. In order to study their physical properties such as their interstellar medium, stellar/dust content, star-forming activity, contribution by active nucleus and to trace their evolution, I used data from both ground-based and space observatories and obtained SED-fitting analysis with code CIGALE. 

I have also been using spectral synthesis/modelling codes to investigate optical (FADO) and infrared spectra of galaxies (DustEM, PAHFIT). Finally, I have also been familiar with radiative transfer models.

To achieve the aforementioned tasks I use mainly Python along with several other astronomical tools.

A complete list of my publications can be found here.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2690-5345