
It seems like it's a long time ago, but way back in time three aspiring writers Barb, Natasha, and Christina met. This meeting was greeted with much happiness and sobs of relief from their non-writing friends & family, for whom long, deep discussions about grammar, plotting, and character arc had become the stuff of torture and the topic subject when they met with their therapists.

These women began meeting at Capilano library to read each other’s works, catch up on industry news, and support each other through the challenge of writing and heartbreak of rejections. And thus began the Edmonton Writers’ Group - although it wasn't called that way back then, in fact I don't think it had a name, until the list server was set up and then we had to call it something.

We are now our in our twenty-fifth year of existence (hard to believe even for me), we have on average of around twenty active members. What seems to attract people is the warm, welcoming environment, the attitude of “honest critiques mixed with gentle grace and lots of humour” remains. Since the onset of Covid-19 we have been meeting virtually, and it has been decided that as this system works so well it will be the main component of our meetings as not all members can easily get to in person meetings.

We extend a warm welcome writers of all genres and types, from romance to horror, from poetry to screenwriting, both fiction and non-fiction. A person only needs to have the desire to write, a humble attitude about their work, and a willingness to support and help others. Everything else, from grammar to plotting, you can learn with us. Please see the meetings page for our schedule.

To date The Edmonton Writers' Group has published four anthologies of our work. For more information visit the Publications tab in the menu.