Tarzan - Other Hardbacks

Published by Cassell - September 1928 just 10 days after the US publication

Cover by De Walton


Published by Collins - July 1930

Jacket by Swales


Published by Cassell - February 1931.  Cassell returned 3 further novels as they felt Tarzan was 'played out'

Jacket illustrator unknown


Published by John Lane - June 1933. 1st edition blue boards. The 2nd edition is confusing it states 'First published in this edition 1935'

Jacket by Studley Burroughs


Published by John Lane April 1934 Yellow binding. 

The book shown is a 2nd edition dated 1935

Jacket by Laurence East


Published by John Lane The Bodlet heAD - 1936                                                                           jACKET BY j h hARTLEY                            

Published by John Lane - July 1936. 

Jacket by J Allen St. John as for the US edition


Published by W H Allen - December 1949 - also seen in orange binding

Jacket by John Coleman Burroughs
