About me and Ed4MedUS
The mission of Ed4MedUS is to provide personalized, best quality, yet affordable, services to best prepare medical graduates applying into a US residency program.
As an educational consultant, I conduct practice interviews and review application materials. I am also available for IMGs, their families and friends to guide how to best prepare and improve chances of a successful transition into a US residency program. Ed4MedUS also provides rich educational content including facebook posts, twitter feeds, blogs and videos.
Here's wishing you the very best in your future endeavors. -Dr. Varun Agrawal
Note: this website does not offer course materials to prepare for USMLE and assumes that you have already crushed these medical licensure exams.Varun Agrawal MD FACP FASN is a board certified physician who specializes in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. He is also an Associate Professor of Medicine at a major teaching hospital. Being an international medical graduate (IMG) himself in a coveted university teaching hospital, he is keenly aware of the special challenges that IMGs need to overcome in their quest for US residency. With this unique perspective, he has also identified opportunities available to IMGs to markedly enhance their residency application.
He has interviewed numerous medical students and medical graduates (both US and international medical graduates) for medicine residency positions and has served in residency selection committees at current and prior institutions where he worked. He has published extensively on educational and clinical research topics in journals with a high impact factor and his publications can be found at Google scholar. He also contributed at book chapter titled ‘Research Before Residency’ in Acing the USMLE and the Match: A Guide for International Medical Graduates (2008).
He is very passionate about the well-being of IMGs and strives for their professional and personal successes. Follow him at facebook.com/groups/ed4medus/ and twitter.com/ed4medus/ to get the latest educational content and discuss with other residency applicants like you.