A Day Behind the Scenes at Good Morning America

by Shem Alleyne (LTXD)

Two of our Steinhardt ECT students, Salomé Yoryoliami and Sara Jakubowicz, recently had the unique opportunity to spend a morning at "Good Morning America." Thanks to Eddie Luisi, the stage manager of GMA for 35 years, they were given an all-access pass to experience the full production process of America's number one morning show.


The day began early with a crew production meeting at 5:30 a.m., where Salomé and Sara met with the director and observed the intricate planning that goes into each segment. Throughout the morning, they followed the show's progression, from the early preparations to the live broadcast of GMA3 at 9:30 a.m. With behind-the-scenes access, the students got to see the layout of the show's segments and learn about some of the major cameras used on set. Their immersion was so complete that they were often mistaken for crew members.

Salomé and Sara were warmly welcomed by the entire GMA team and had the chance to mingle with news anchors and celebrities. The highlight of their visit was an exclusive interview with Eddie Luisi, who shared insights from his extensive career. And brought fourth the future of GMA and it’s connection to Disney. Eddie mentioned the career opportunities and the non-linear connection that GMA is seeking out to become part of  their team. Any major or field of study can connect with their projection.

This invaluable experience provided Salomé and Sara with a firsthand look at the complexities of television production and offered them a glimpse into the professional world theyi are preparing to enter.

Photo Credit to Shem Alleyne

Interview with Eddie Louisi

Behind-the-scenes cuts