The Wireframe

ECT News in Development

May 14, 2024

This issue of the Wireframe brings you highlights, reporting, interviews, and analysis from Spring 2024, courtesey of our Wireframe contributors: Shem Alleyne, Sara Jakubowicz, Chenyu Lin, Ana Shuleva, Viola Sun, Beth Tripmacher and Kyle Wang.

Thanks also to the LTXD, G4L and ECT students and alumni, and to our faculty and staff, for helping our community to thrive! 

The Lunar New Year Potluck Party brought together ECT students to celebrate traditions and share festive joy! Photo Credit to Kathy Xie

Community Highlights

Round Up of the ECT Brownbag Speaker Series

by Beth Tripmacher (LTXD)

Check out the world of educational technology and learning sciences with our Brownbag Speaker Series. This newsletter highlights a semester filled with insightful talks delivered by renowned experts from NYU and institutions worldwide. From advanced psychometric tools to innovative uses of AI in education, each session offered a unique glimpse into the future of educational practices and technologies. Whether you attended live or are catching up through recordings, this section of our newsletter ensures you're well-informed on the latest developments in the field. Read on to explore the rich tapestry of topics covered this semester!

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ECTAA Highlights

by Kyle Wang (LTXD)

The ECT Alumni Ambassadors have been busy this year!

Board Game Night

ECTAA hosted the fantastic board game night, in collaboration with our friends from the Teachers College! On Friday, April 8th, ECT students, alumni, and Teacher College students came together for a fun-filled evening of board games.

This event was more than just games; it was an opportunity for ECT and Teachers College students to connect, share insights, and foster new friendships. The lively atmosphere was a testament to the power of bringing our communities together.

A big shout-out to everyone who stayed until the end, making the board game night a memorable experience. Stay tuned for updates on our next gathering—we can't wait to do it all again soon!

Current and already graduated ECT students meet to play games and share quirky interests and hobbies.  Photo Credit: Kyle Wang

Powerpoint Night

Let’s celebrate the success of Teachers College's incredible PowerPoint Night, held in collaboration with ECTAA! On Friday 4/26, students from both ECT and Teachers College came together to share their quirky and fascinating interests and facts.

From minerals to Chilean slang, from Hollow Knight to aliens, the range of topics was as diverse as our community itself. It was a night filled with laughter, brilliant insights, and the forging of new friendships.

We're eager to continue collaborating with Teachers College for more fun events like this in the future. A huge shout-out to everyone who attended—their participation made the evening truly special!

ECTAA Rebranding

Exciting news! ECTAA has undergone a transformation and is now known as CoNNECT: Community Navigation Network in Educational Communication and Technology.

Our new name, CoNNECT, reflects our dedication to fostering connections and providing support to current students and alumni in ECT programs. Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting process and helped us choose this name!

Rest assured, our commitment to serving all students and alumni in ECT remains steadfast. We look forward to continuing our mission under our new identity as CoNNECT!

Featured Spotlights

Thoughts, reviews, and interviews by and with ECT Students

Wearables: Risky Business, or the Future of Education?

by Ana Shuleva (LTXD)

Dive into the evolving world of wearable technology in education, exploring its potential to transform learning experiences while addressing challenges in privacy, equity, and ethics. This article examines whether wearables represent a risky venture or the future of educational technology, highlighting their role in personalizing and enhancing learning amidst concerns about inclusivity and security. Join us as we navigate this complex landscape.

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Navigating the Path to Instructional Design: Interview with Steven's Journey to Success

by Chenyu Lin (G4L)

Meet Steven, a recent graduate who is now thriving as an instructional designer at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Check out the interview with Steven as he shares his experiences navigating the challenging job market, from the intensive application process to the final job offer that launched his career in higher education. 

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Programs in ECT: Pathways to New Career Opportunities

by Beth Tripmacher (LTXD)

In the dynamic field of Educational Communication and Technology (ECT), many students and alumni have navigated this transformative journey. This article shares the experiences and advice of current students and ECT alumni who returned to academia to pivot their careers. From the excitement of pursuing their passions to the practical challenges they faced, these narratives provide invaluable insights for anyone considering a similar path. Discover what drives individuals to make these significant changes, the challenges they overcome, and the strategic moves that have helped them succeed in new educational and professional landscapes.

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A Day Behind the Scenes at Good Morning America

by Shem Alleyne (LTXD)

Dive into the world of live television with Steinhardt ECT students Salomé Yoryoliami and Sara Jakubowicz, who were granted an all-access pass to "Good Morning America." Courtesy of stage manager Eddie Luisi, with over three decades at GMA, the students experienced the intricacies of America's number one morning show from the early morning crew meeting to the live broadcast. This exclusive feature offers insights into their day, interviews with the GMA team, and a closer look at the career opportunities in television production. Check out for a firsthand look at what it takes to run a major morning show.

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Experience Design for Live Media: Good Morning America and Show Design

by Sara Jakubowicz

Hearing an alarm startle you awake with its rhythmic beeps at 3:30 in the morning, jumping out of bed and heading to work for a 4:30am start time is quite different from the typical circadian rhythms and sleep cycles of college students. However, this is the daily life of a worker on a morning TV show set. At Good Morning America, one of the show’s anchors mentioned to me that they go to sleep at 8pm every night to wake up at 3am. That’s just show biz. 

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Community Activities

Zombie-Themed Self-defense

The Zombie-Themed Self-Defense Workshop was hosted by 3 LTXD and G4L students, Chuqing Lyu, Jane Li, and Shem Alleyne for the ECT community. It combined the engaging and imaginative theme of zombies with practical self-defense techniques and survival skills, providing an interactive and educational experience for all participants.

Watch the session recordings here!

Photo Credit to Shem Alleyne

Photo Credit to Kathy Xie

Lunar New Year Potluck Party

It was a delightful party that celebrated the traditions of the Lunar New Year and created new memories together! It provided opportunities for ECT students to immerse themselves in the festive spirit of Lunar New Year through engaging activities and a shared meal. Everyone was invited to contribute a dish to the potluck and partake in the joyous festivities.

Activity 1: Make Your Own Dumpling

Roll up sleeves at the Dumpling Station, where people can learn to make dumplings from scratch. Whether they were an experienced cook or novices in the kitchen, there were people who guided others through the fun process of dumpling making - a quintessential part of Lunar New Year celebrations.

Activity 2: New Year Blessing Post and Scroll

Engage in a creative session starting with a guessing game that introduces Xu Bing’s innovative approach of morphing English words into the artistic form of Chinese characters. Participate in crafting your own New Year blessing posts or scrolls, capturing the essence of this auspicious occasion. Share your artistic creations and enjoy seeing what others have crafted, making this an enriching cultural exchange.

Spring 2024 Thesis Expo and Graduation Awards

On May 10, 2024, friends, faculty and family came together to celebrate the achievements of our LTXD and G4L Masters students!

Thesis advisors Maaike Bouwmeester and Camillia Matuk hosted a showcase of students' projects.

We are proud to announce this year's award recipients.

ECT Program awards:

ALT Department award for Outstanding Scholarship

ALT Department award for Outstanding Leadership and Service

Steinhardt's Samual Eshborn Award

We also congratulate Adelaida Kim, who was accepted into the Social Sector Leadership Diversity (SSLD) Fellowship program!

At the party that followed, 370J's 12th floor common area was decked with flowers and ribbons, thanks to the tasteful stylings of Viola Sun (ECT Program Assistant and LTXD student)¸ and gift bags were laid out for our graduates. 

Darren Ziller, our ALT Events Coordinator, ordered a feast of Chicken Piccata, Rigatoni, and Classic New York Cannoli. With the help of Viola Sun and and Donald Brooks, the Academic Space & Facilities Administrator, this year's festivities featured a lively photo booth.

Congratulations to all our Spring 2024 graduates, and best wishes in this next chapter of your careers! 

More here >>> 


2024 ECT Portfolio Winners 🏆

Congratulations to our 2024 ECT portfolio competition winners: Colleen Chung, Gina Lai, Xueqing Hu, Sherry Chu, and Sarah Dominguez Powell! 🎉

A huge thanks to a brand new judge this year,  ECT alumni, Anna Zhang, who worked with ECT faculty to pick the winners and provide feedback for students who entered this competition.

Check out the winners' portfolios here:

Job Openings on Slack

The job-openings Slack channel was created to support current students and alumni in navigating the job market. Use it to find and share job ads and other work opportunities in educational technology, instructional design, and other relevant fields. Whether you're seeking your first job or looking to advance in your career, join this channel to stay updated on the latest vacancies, network with peers, and share resources. CLICK HERE to join!

ECT's Student-Led Instagram Account

Stay connected and informed with the launch of our brand new Instagram account! Follow us at @ectstudent to enjoy a stream of content including program highlights, stories, and announcements from our faculty and students. It's a great way to stay engaged with the ECT community, see what your peers are up to, and get inspired by the impactful work being done in our field.

Visit the ECT Student Instagram account now!

Get Involved!
We know it’s more important than ever to build community and stay connected. We hope you’ll join us in doing just that! 

ECT Community Events 

Get to know your peers, ECT alumni and the broader ECT network! Want to join the conversation in our brown bags and community hours? Curious about our student expo and semester celebrations?  See ECT events schedule for more details.

Get Involved!

Are you looking for ways to get more involved and meet people? Join us in designing our ECT space, becoming our social media moderator for a month, organizing student events or writing for a future newsletter!

Contact Viola Sun ( for more info!

Let's get Social

Explore other ways to stay connected via our Slack, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

Thanks to the contributors and editors of The Wireframe's Spring 2024 Edition!

Viola Zuobijia Sun, Lead Editor and LTXD Student

Shem Alleyne, G4L Student

Sara Jakubowicz, LTXD student

Chenyu Lin, G4L Student

Ana Shuleva, LTXD Student

Beth Tripmacher, LTXD Alumni

Kyle Wang, ECT LTXD 23' Alumni