Registration & Attendance

UPDATE April 9 2024: Registration has now closed. Registration is required to attend the workshop.

You must register through the LSE shop here.  The venue has a limited capacity: please register for in-person attendance only if you are able to attend a good portion of the workshop, and inform us if you registered for in-person attendance and can no longer attend.

Please note that while it is possible to click 'attending' on the PhilEvents page, this does NOT constitute registering for the workshop.

The workshop aims to provide a venue for early career scholars both to receive extensive feedback on work in progress and to engage in informal discussion leading to potential future collaborative projects.  As such, several of the sessions are READ AHEAD: we will circulate these 3,000 word papers at least 1 week before the workshop to everyone who has registered.  For these sessions, there will be no presentation, just discussion which will presuppose everyone has read the paper.

On the registration page, you will see 3 options for registration:

All food will be vegan-friendly; please let us know at if you have any allergies or other dietary requirements.

See here for accessibility information about the venue, and here for information about getting to it.