Our Team

Current Lab Members

Dr Anne McIntosh

Anne is the Associate Dean of Teaching at Augustana (2022-2025), and an Associate Professor of Biology at the Augustana Campus of University of Alberta. I began working at Augustana in July 2014 and love working on a campus where we are passionate about undergraduate teaching and learning. I am also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Renewable Resources.

My teaching interests include anything to do with plants, statistics, conservation biology, and all levels of ecology. My research interests are focused on how plant (and sometimes microbial communities) recover after disturbance. I am interested in exploring a range of novelties of those disturbances - including both natural (e.g., Mountain Pine Beetle), and anthropogenic (oil and gas development). 

My philosophy on teaching and learning can be read HERE.

FUN FACT: I used to spend time 80-m above the ground in Douglas-fir trees -now I like terra firma better!

Hailey Cole

Hailey is a Master's student in Anne's lab studying forest biology and management at the University of Alberta in the Dept of Renewable Resources. Her research project is assessing the recovery of vegetation species and functional composition in forest ecosystems on reclaimed well pads. This research is part of a larger project with Natural Resources Canada.

Hailey graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a BSc in Environmental Science and French. During her undergrad, she completed an independent research project studying forest disturbance interactions in Colorado. 

FUN FACT: The snowman in the photo is named Pierre (he was built by a group of language assistants in France!). 

Raiany dias de Andrade Silva

Raiany is a post-doctoral researcher in the ecological recovery lab. She works with WBEA in the vegetation component of the Forest Health Monitoring Program to assess the effects of atmospheric deposition from the Athabasca Oil Sands on surrounding jack pine forest stands. 

Raiany graduated from the University of Alberta with a MSc and a PhD in Forest Biology and Management. Her MSc research was focused on the restoration of trails at a provincial recreation area in Alberta using balsam poplar cutting treatments, and her PhD research was focused on genetic variability and sex responses of aspen stands in a tree improvement region in Alberta.

FUN FACT: Raiany is originally from Brazil and she first came to Canada as a research assistant working for Anne almost 10 years ago. 

Reeve Kobbero

Reeve is going into his fourth year as a biology major at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. Reeve is working as Anne's research assistant during the summer of 2024, continuing the work that Leah and AJ did through the creation of Rstudio tutorials, and helping with fieldwork on Anne's Mountain Pine Beetle study. 

FUN FACT: Reeve applied to the U of A for mathematics, but somehow ended up going into biology. 

David Valderrama Carmona

David is a fifth-year forestry engineering student at the National University of Colombia. David is a Mitacs Globalink intern for the 2024 summer and he will be working on Anne's Mountain Pine Beetle project, developing software tutorials for R, processing soil samples, and more.

FUN FACT: On his first day in Canada, David activated the fire alarm while cooking pasta.

Yifei Li

Yifei is a forth-year ecology student at Zhejiang University in China. In the summer of 2024, she is a Mitacs intern working on Anne's Mountain Pine Beetle Project.

FUN FACT: Although Yifei has lived in a flood-prone region for the past three years, she does not know how to swim.

Former Members 

Berenda Helmus

Berenda is a fourth-year biology major and music minor student at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. Berenda is completing a directed study with Anne processing soil samples and looking at effects of well pads on soil pH throughout the winter semester of 2024.

FUN FACT: Even thought she was born in Canada, her first language is Dutch! 

This picture was taken while doing research on water quality and beavers at Miquelon Lake Provincial Park while doing research in the Fall 2023 3-week 

Kyle Bergquist

Kyle is a fourth-year biology student at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. Kyle is completing a directed study with Anne processing soil samples and looking at effects of well pads on soil pH throughout the winter semester of 2024.

FUN FACT: Kyle knows more about dinosaurs than you do. 

Lucille Wang

Lucille completed a directed study on specific leaf area of plants on reclaimed well pads and mature forests in Fall 2023. Lucille also worked in the lab when she was a fourth-year Environmental Science student at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. She worked on Hailey's MSc project in the field in Fox Creek. Learn more about her project HERE. Congratulations to Lucille for receiving the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award for Fall 2023. 

FUN FACT: Lucille likes places with history, especially the tombs of the ancients. She hopes to visit the pyramids - the tombs of the pharaohs, in the future.

Abril Medina Landeros

Abril is a fifth-year Biology student at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. Abril was a Mitacs Globalink intern in the lab from June-September 2023. She worked on Hailey's MSc project in the field in Fox Creek. 

FUN FACT: This picture was taken in the middle of a Montane Cloud Forest while searching for fresh leaves to feed very hungry caterpillars! 

Anjola (AJ) Fadayomi

Anjola worked in the lab as a third-year Business Economics major at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta. He worked as a Data Handling & Exploration Research Assistant for the summer of 2023, co-supervised by Dr. Paula Marentette. Check out the site that AJ and Leah built here: https://sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/augstats/home. 


FUN FACT: Hoodies are his favorite type of clothing, they're very versatile.

Leah Peters

Leah worked in the lab as a third-year student studying Biology and Education through the University of Alberta (Augustana) combined-degree program. She worked as a Data Handling & Exploration Research Assistant for the summer of 2023, co-supervised by Dr. Paula Marentette. Check out the site that Leah and AJ built here: https://sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/augstats/home. 

FUN FACT: Leah did twelve years of tap dance.

Emily Mahon

Emily was a 4th-year undergraduate student studying biology at the University of Alberta - Augustana Campus when she conducted her directed study under Anne, processing and identifying seeds collected from Elk Island National Park in Fall 2022.  

View the Play-Clean-Grow: Tracking Seed Species Within Elk Island National Park study website: https://sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/pcgelkislandnationalpark/home 

FUN FACT: Besides her passion for biology, archery also holds a close place in her heart. Emily was 1st place in the NASP Canadian National Championship in 2019, her final year within the NASP program.  

Selena Schut

Selena recently graduated from their master's program at the University of Saskatchewan with an MSc in Geography - focusing on wetland hydrology.

They worked as a research assistant for Anne from January 2022 to April 2023 - they completed data processing and analysis using R software. They are also currently teaching themselves French and have a second job as a communications assistant with the Canadian Water Resources Association.  

FUN FACT: Their picture is from when they hugged an erratic on the first glacier they ever climbed - Rae Glacier in Kananaskis Country!

Jocelyn Kublik

Jocelyn is an undergraduate student at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta. She worked as a Research Assistant for Anne during the summer of 2022 and mainly focuses on studying biology in her undergrad. 

Beatriz Moreira

Beatriz is an undergraduate biology student from University of Londrina, Brazil. She worked with Anne as a research assistant during the summer of 2022.

FUN FACT: When she was a kid, she tried to dig on her backyard, thinking she could get to China.

Former research assistants from before this website was created:

Michelle Rude (Ecological Recovery Project, December 2020-May 2021)

Chantal Ricard (Faculty Research Assistantship, Summer 2019)

Lara Canovai (MITACS intern from Germany, Summer 2019)

Michelle Rude (Faculty Research Assistantship, Summer 2018)

Anya (University of Alberta research experience student intern from Singapore, Summer 2018)

Melissa Tollitt (Faculty Research Assistantship, Summer 2017)

Benedict Oxenham (University of Alberta research experience student intern from UK, Summer 2017)

Ruijing Cheng (MITACS intern from China, Summer 2016)

Raiany Dias de Andrade Silva (MITACS intern from Brazil, Summer 2015) - went on to complete her MSc in the Ecological Recovery Lab

Carissa Wasyliw (Ecological recovery intern, Fall 2014)

Meet the team!