Play-Clean-Grow: Tracking Seed Species Within Elk Island National Park

Study Introduction

This study was completed under Dr. Anne McIntosh as an AUBIO 419 class at Augustana Campus - University of Alberta. The study was completed in collaboration with the Play-Clean-Go Program established within Elk Island National Park.  

In 2022 Elk Island National Park collaborated with the Play-Clean-Go program, through the Canadian Council of Invasive Species, to place boot brush stations at 8 of the trailheads within the National Park. It was encouraged that hikers wipe their boots both before and after their hikes at these boot brush stations in an attempt to clean the shoes of NY organic material and potentially invasive species.

This project focused on determining the species composition, species diversity, and the identification of the seeds collected to determine if the boot brushes are effective in collecting the targeted seed types.  

Play-Clean-Go. Boot Brush Station. [accessed 2023 May 4]

Play-Clean-Go Logo [photo]. [accessed 2023 Apr 8]

Canadian Council of Invasive Species Logo [photo]. [accessed 2023 Apr 8]


Play-Clean-Go is a North American campaign group focused on the education and prevention of the spread of invasive species. The organization partners with various environmental and recreational organizations throughout North America to provide messaging and awareness of how invasive species spread throughout North American natural areas. Play-Clean-Go is an American organization, although the Canadian Council of Invasive Species contains information for Canadian residents (Play-Clean-Go 2023). 

Play-Clean-Go boot brush stations were established at eight trailheads within Elk Island National Park in 2022 in an attempt to reduce the number of seeds both entering and exiting the trails. The organic material was collected and preserved, and eventually allowed for this directed study to take place at Augustana Campus. 

About the Researcher

Emily Mahon is a fourth-year biology major graduating from the University of Alberta - Augustana Campus in 2023. She has spent her degree studying a variety of biological topics, from cellular biology to biogeography. She has applied to continue her education at the University of Alberta -Main Campus in the Education After-Degree, with a focus on secondary education. 

She spent this past academic year volunteering with the Augustana Campus Tours as an ambassador; working at the Augustana Library as a Student Library Assistant; tutoring an AUIDS first-year class during the winter three week; and completing this AUBIO 419 directed study during the winter 11-week.