What is the best LED grow light brand that gives best results? 2021 Updated

LED grow lights are likewise considerably cooler to some extent because of the diminishment of power utilization. The issue with numerous grow lights is the warmth that they deliver, which makes you burn through cash on different parts of your grow task too.

The hotter your grow room stays, the more air you should move through the room, and the more consideration you should pay to the temperature constantly.

That likewise implies that LED grow lights are substantially easier on the environment. With the consideration being brought to ecological concerns, a worldwide temperature alteration, and the eventual fate of the world, it is anything but difficult to perceive any reason why individuals would probably incline toward an all the more environment friendly alternative.

That is the place LED grow lights succeed. The gigantic lessening in CO2 emanations, notwithstanding power utilization, implies that the earth will be appreciative. LED grow lights additionally don’t need to be discarded in a specific way like HPS lighting frameworks do.

Grow lights containing mercury should be professionally discarded in a way that requires extraordinary consideration following a few years because of the shorter time span of usability. LED grow lights can keep going quite a while and after that be discarded after very nearly ten years of utilization without worrying about hurting the earth simultaneously.

The last thing that emerges about LED grow lights is the way that they don’t need to be supplanted all the time. Numerous grow lights that individuals utilize are supplanted inside a short measure of time since they destroy decently fast.

In correlation, the majority of the best LED grow lights can keep going for more than 50,000 hours, which means they should be supplanted following 7-8 years at the most punctual.

The cost can dismiss a few people from utilizing them, yet once the length of their life is considered it is anything but difficult to perceive how much cash can really be spared after some time.

Why Are LEDs Perfect For Growing Cannabis?

  • Plants have a different use for a different wavelength. Blue light is mostly associated with plant growth as it helps the plant in springing leaves and growing. On the other hand, red light is the most important light color for flowering and stemming.

  • However, photosynthesis is not enough. Many plants need the natural change of light to grow. Natural change doesn’t mean a sudden absence of light. If you ever spent a couple of hours before the sunset in the natural light, you must’ve noticed that a change in light occurs gradually as the sun sets. So, if you are growing indoors you will need a perfect emulation of sunlight. You can’t just flip the switch and expect your plants to be happy with it. Remember when you were a kid, and your dad comes in and turns the light off? Did you like it? Well, surprise! Your plants hate that too.

  • That’s where LEDs come in handy. Since a LED lamp consists of many individual LEDs , you can buy one that has both blue and red light and just change the tone of light as the day goes on. Your plants will be happy and they will reward you accordingly. If you are a cannabis lover, LED lights represent the best solution for your gentle weed.


  • Energy efficient

  • Great heat dissipation

  • Full-spectrum light that offers support for all phases of growth

  • 24 month warranty


  • While most users praise the performance in the vegetative phase, the flowering performance could be improved


  • Programmable spectrum

  • Good heat dissipation

  • Easy to set up and use

  • Good for bloom phase


  • Too expensive for most growers

  • Users have complained of faulty parts and bad after-sales service


  • Great for growing marijuana

  • Great for small-scale growers

  • Good heat dissipation

  • Long lifespan


  • Some users claim to have had warranty-related issues

What makes the best LED grow lights in 2021?

The best LED grow lights have following common features:

Uniform Spectrum

Major characteristics of a good LED grow light is that it has a uniform spectrum, so all the plants under the light receive same intensity and allow you to grow from seed to harvest with the same light. Best spectrum consists of not just red and blue light, but also infrared (IR) and Ultraviolet (UV).


Best yields for the plants comes out from LED lights which have capacity to give more light your. Hence, the best LED grow lights need to be incredibly powerful.


Efficiency in LED grow lights is a must have need. When operating at a high level and producing high power, maintaining a low cost to run is very important.


LED grow lights are high cost investment and thus needs to last long time to show a positive return on investment. This can only happen if the grow lights are sturdy and reliable .Therefore, the best LED grow lights needs to be reliable and durable, lasting for a long time. All of the lights from below listing are from the most reputable brands and include some sort of warranty. This will ensure your peace of mind , knowing you that purchase are protected.

How do LED Grow Lights Help You Succeed In Growing Marijuana Indoors

LED lights are useful in helping you succeed in growing marijuana indoors because of the fact that they are basically acting as a replacement to the sun! While this sounds like a rather difficult thing in theory, but in practice, when you consider this, it is actually quite simple. The sun acts as a source of two basic things that your weed plants need to grow: light and heat.

LED lights help make growing marijuana indoors quite easy for you by providing light and heat to your plants. The more concentrated the light is, the higher the heat is – basically, the closer the lights are to your plants, the hotter the heat levels are. Hence, depending on the stage of growth your plants are, you can actually adjust your lights to provide appropriate light and heat for them. For those wondering what the plants do with the light and heat – they generate energy and pigments which help them with their growth.

Furthermore, there’s another great benefit of these LED lights – they do not produce so much heat that can be adverse to the growth of your plant. Unlike traditional lights, which can often end up burning your plants, that risk is much lower when it comes to LED grow lights. In addition to that, using them is more economical as well because they do not consume as much electricity and can provide the same output as those of traditional lights with a higher wattage! LED lights are also simple to set up and non-toxic in nature as they do not contain chemicals which can harm you or your plants in case there’s a breakage.


The grow lights are needed by growers to grow marijuana indoors because it is in the direction of these grow lights that the stem of the plants will grow and it is with the help of these grow lights that the process of photosynthesis will be able to take place. Photosynthesis is really important for the healthy growth of any plant as that is the process via which plants convert sunlight into energy! Hence, if there are no grow lights the plant will not be able to survive as it will not be able to generate energy! This is primarily why grow lights are important.