Mars Hydro FC-E 4800 480W LED Grow Light VS Grower's Choice ROI E420

Getting a plant to grow indoors is a full-time task. You are supposed to provide the best possible form of light with the highest possible intensity. LEDs, if compared to any other artificial light source, are the only form of light that one can rely on in terms of intensity.

Including all other benefits of LEDs, there are a variety of features these lights have that can make them the best choice for plant’s growth. No matter how much of these you use, the energy consumption of these lights will be far lower than any other source of light you will use to grow the plants. The plus point here is the average billing that comes without having you to compromise on the intensity of light at all.

LED lights usually last longer than any other light source and are usually priced reasonably. All of this combined with the fact that these LEDs can provide instant bright light to your plants makes them an event better plant growing source. Other features including the idea of these lights being environment friendly, incapable of producing harmful UVs, and their strong build are enough to regard these lights as the best choice to help your plants grow.

How Do LED Grow Lights Work?

Based on experiments and studies, these special LED bulbs really work leafy plants, fruit-bearing plants, and flowering plants. In fact, NASA together with other different government agencies and universities already used these lights to grow indoor plants.

From hobbyists to professional indoor growers that run cultivation centers, these LED grow lights have already proved their worth. But just like any other piece of technology, you have to make sure that you know how to use it. Contrary to what other people think, indoor plants can still be harmed by too much artificial light.

Unlike us, plants have little tolerance when it comes to either insufficient or extra attention. Flash news, plants also need enough light at the right place with the right distance. But since indoor plants have limited options when it comes to location, it’s up to the LED grow light. These LED grow lights are constructed with small electronic components that are made from two different semiconductor materials. These materials work by creating their own light spectrum.

  • First conductor – contains negative charges that are called electrons

  • Second conductor – contains positive charges that are called holes

Once the voltage is applied, the electric current flows through it to make its holes and electrons collide. This process called recombination allows the bulb to release energy called photons or light quanta. The first versions of LEDs have a low light output and limited color options. But now, modern LEDs offer more color options and a higher level of brightness. Its types of lights also come in different types from visible, ultraviolet spectral, to infrared lights.

Unlike other bulbs, LED grow lights don’t use gas, mercury, and filaments to produce light. In addition, these lights that are more energy and cost-efficient tends to last longer than incandescent lights. Most importantly, LED grow lights are more eco-friendly, compared with any other kinds of lighting fixtures.

What Are the Benefits of Using LED Grow Lights?

Ever since LED bulbs were introduced in the market, their customer demand continues to increase over time. In fact, the majority of the bulbs and lighting fixtures that are sold on the market today are LEDs. Thus, even nature lovers nowadays who prefer to keep their plants indoors find ways to take advantage of these lights. So, these are the top benefits of having a good LED grow light:

  • Energy-efficient

This is the number one advantage of LED grow lights to other lightings since LED bulbs consume fewer watts. However, it can produce the same light that High-Density Discharge (HID) bulbs have. Even with fewer bulbs, you can assure that the biggest portions of energy they use are converted into light than heat.

Unlike traditional lightings, LEDs don’t burn anything just to produce light. Thus, it wastes less energy which turns into heat while you can keep your energy bills at bay.

  • Eco-friendly

As mentioned earlier, LED grow lights don’t contain mercury, gas, filaments, and any other toxic substances like HID lights. Instead, these light bulbs are designed and manufactured with eco-friendly materials that are 100% recyclable. Thus, you don’t have to worry about you or your plants getting harmed after being exposed to its light. To guarantee this, the best LED grow lights usually have a RoHS certification to prove its quality.

  • Faster harvest cycle

Unlike outdoor plants that rely on the natural sunlight, indoor plants rely on artificial light from LEDs. These LED grow lights can be used for long hours to help your plants grow faster to increase your harvest cycle. Thus, you can regulate the red wavelength light at the right time to boost the growth of your plants.

You can also alter the daylight hours of these bulbs so you can have multiple harvests during one season.

  • Healthier plants

Other artificial lightings release more UV rays, IR rays, and heat which harm the plants. But with LEDs, everything extra for the plants is reduced like the green and yellow wavelengths. Thus, your plants get just the right amount of these components which help them grow healthier and longer. In fact, you can also regulate the wavelengths of its lights which help your plants in the process of photosynthesis.

  • Cooler operating temperature

Compared with HID lightings, LED grow lights produce less heat which doesn’t affect much the entire temperature indoors. This is especially true if you have a greenhouse where more LED lights are installed. Thus, you can cut costs for not needing a cooling system to keep your plants healthy.


Mercury-free and eco-friendly

Protected by a honeycomb fan cover with a dust filter

Mars Hydro LED grow lights Allows four lights to work on a single cord with its daisy chain

Allows optimal airflow with customized diamond vents


A little bit pricey

The 10W Cree LEDs can be too intense for some plants


Grower's choice grow light Combines its fine-tuned spectrum and secondary lenses

Boosts plants maximum growth and health

Comes with a durable and solid design

The fans work quietly and efficiently compared with standard products


May get too hot and burn your plants

Creates a noise while operating

Final thoughts

LED stands for light-emitting diodes. LED grow lights have rapidly come down in price and home growers everywhere are starting to make the switch to solely using them as their lighting option.

These lighting systems produce extremely low heat, come ready to plug-and-play, and can produce high yields with incredible energy efficiency.

Whereas HIDs require a reflector and ballast for operation, LED lights do not. They can last for decades, whereas HID bulbs will often need to be replaced every couple of years. But, one of the main reasons full spectrum led grow lights are regarded as the best is due to the spectrum they produce.