5 Reasons to Switch From HPS to LED Grow Lights in 2021

Right now the world is experiencing a cannabis growing revolution, and that means there are more options for growers out there than ever. However, it also means that it’s not always clear what the best alternatives are, especially when new tech comes out so fast.

Are LEDs really better than HPS lights?

In the photometric analysis, LED grow lights seriously outperform HPS grow lights. This is primarily down to the wavelengths of light the grow lights produce.

Plants need light beyond the red and blue spectrum to perform all of their biological functions. An LED grow light can have the full spectrum represented, including infrared and ultraviolet, with up to twelve different colors of diodes. It can also adjust its balance of how it produces those kinds of light so that it’s always right for your plant’s stages of growth.

The HPS spectrum is less effective, because plants need very little yellow light, and most of the HPS light output is yellow. This means wasted light and money, and lots of excess heat.

HID style lighting such as metal halide presents many of the same limitations. Both of these alternatives to LED lights also generate far more heat.


Your Plants Get the Full Spectrum of Light

If you want to mimic natural light indoors, you should be using the best technology to accomplish that. That’s where the advancements in LED grow lighting can be a game-changer for you. LED grow lights for indoor plants provide a light spectrum that closely mirrors the sun’s natural radiation. Where MH bulbs provide a blue spectrum or HPS radiate red, LEDs output the entire visible spectrum.

Using a balanced combination – or range of colors – making the switch from HPS to LED can give your plants:

  • The blue and violet parts of the light spectrum, just like the outdoor light that is available during the growth seasons of spring – hues they need for sturdy growth and root development.

  • Your plants get the red they need for impressive blooms and high yields.

  • They get white light to increase plant potency and green to promote penetration through the canopy.

Higher Yield and Product Quality

Today’s LED grow lights give you as much light intensity as your HPS bulbs. Add in the full light spectrum capabilities of LED, and that combination can result in better-than-expected yields than with HPS.

More about LED’s full light spectrum capabilities… getting the right light for the right stage of development is the formula for success. You can do that easily with LEDs. You can even use variable spectrum LED grow lights and adjust the light spectrum to distribute the exact kind of lighting you want for your crop. All of which can have an enormous positive effect on growth, heightened flavor, and potency.

LED grow lights are important in promoting higher yields, especially when you adjust the variable light spectrum to match your crop’s growth cycles. Cycles will speed up. Yields will increase. And you harvest higher yields and with more annual harvest cycles.

LEDs Live Longer and Are More Economical in the Long Run

If cost has been preventing you from making the switch to LEDs, consider this: you will save money over the long run with LEDs. That’s because of the much longer lifespan of LED grow lights. LED grow lights usually last for as long as 50,000 hours, with Sanlight High End LED modules getting more than 100,000 hours of lifetime wattage. Compare that to the average lifetime of an HPS bulb – 5,000 – and you’ll find that you won’t be spending money so often in replacing bulbs.

Savings in Energy Make LEDs Cost-Effective

Running on LEDs is the energy-efficient solution. The numbers tell the story: You can expect a 50% or more savings on your lighting-related energy costs by switching to LEDs.

The energy story continues… LEDs also run cool compared to HPS lamps. Which means you can realize significant savings on cooling and ventilation costs. And what does less heat mean? Less evaporation. And less irrigation. It’s an ecosystem of savings with LEDs.

Easy to Install. Easy to Maintain.

The LED grow light industry understands what you want in artificial lighting. From reproducing the full spectrum of natural light to being technologically advanced and delivering cost savings in longevity and energy usage. The last thing you want is for this technology to be complicated. And LEDs are anything but.

From set-up to maintenance, everything about using LEDs is built around simplicity. With built-in drivers and turn-key installation, your lighting solution has never been easier. No ballasts or costly bulb changes that you have with HPS. When it finally does come time to switch out LEDs (after more than 10 years), it’s just a matter of plug-and-play – or should we say – “plug-and-grow.”


  • Produce less heat

  • Ideal for beginners

  • Works extremely cool and quiet lighting system

  • ETL, RoHS, and CE Certified

  • Release high PAR value with 450 μmol at 18 inches

  • Provides deep penetration to ensure your plants’ growth


  • Doesn’t come with an additional control switch for an easier operation

  • Doesn’t offer separate bloom and veg lights for a more efficient effect

ECO Farm LED grow light is best for you.


  • Easy to set and to operate

  • Offers a bloom and veg setting for convenience

  • Produces low heat compared with other lighting solutions for indoor plants

  • Promotes faster and bigger amount of yields

  • Energy-efficient and doesn’t need any extra ballast


  • Too bright to be looked at directly an eye protection

  • Some units still emit a small amount of light even when turned off

Considerations for Choosing LED Growing Lights

Before you go out and buy grow lights there are some things you need to consider. The best grow lights for your neighbour may not work well for you.

Budget – The first thing to ask yourself is ‘What is my budget?’ While you can buy reasonably cheap led lights these days, it’s always recommended to buy the best you can afford. Don’t be tempted to buy the cheapest lights you can find. As with most things, you get what you pay for when it comes to cheap LED grow lights. That said, if you are on a tight budget, there are affordable grow lights that perform well. You can find our top 5 picks in their own section below.

Space – Plant LED lights come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Obviously, it’s important to measure the surface area you want to cover with your lighting system. Don’t forget to measure the height you have available as well.

Plant Varieties – What are you going to grow? The LEDs you chose for general vegetable grow lights will not necessarily be the same as the best pot growing lights.

Growing Style – How are you going to grow your crops? Are you looking for the best hydroponic grow lights? Do you want the best grow lights for seedlings or flowering plants? Are you looking for the best LED for cannabis grown in the sea of green (SOG) style? The answers to your questions will result in different grow light options.

Final thoughts

Especially for indoor growers, LED grow lights are excellent for cannabis at its different growth stages. They are designed based on photosynthetic wavelengths and have the diodes to produce the right kinds of light.

LED grow lights are also typically user-friendly. They can use a wall socket and don’t need a separate ballast. They are also simple to install and compact, easy to configure to any space.