ECNLP 6 (KDD 2023)

Aug 7, 2023 - Long Beach, California
Workshop location: 103C

NLP and IR have been closely linked to e-commerce applications since the early days of the fields. This close relationship between the two is evidenced by early publications as well as the growing number of recent publications at the intersection of the two areas.

Today, NLP and IR play a significant role in e-commerce tasks, including product search, recommender systems, product question answering, sentiment analysis, product description and review summarization, chatbots and shopping assistants, and customer review processing, among many other tasks being investigated by researchers in the field. These methods play a key part in today's online retail and shopping landscape, and continue to evolve and further enhance the customer experience.

The ECNLP workshop aims to provide a venue for the dissemination of NLP/IR research related to e-commerce and online shopping, bringing together researchers from both academia and industry.

Workshop Schedule

The workshop will be held in person on Monday, August 7, 2023, from 8:00AM to 12:00PM.

Workshop location: 103C

The presentation schedule is listed below.

Proceedings: click the paper title in the schedule to read the ful paper.

ECNLP 6 Schedule

Key Dates

Submission Instructions and CFP

Please see the Call For Papers for details about the workshop's topics.

ECNLP 6 invites quality research contributions in different formats:

ECNLP 6 will use the ACL Submission Guidelines. Details and templates available here.

Accepted papers will receive an extra page. 

At least one author from each accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop to present the work.

The workshop will publish accepted papers in the workshop proceedings, but this is optional. Accepted papers will have a non-archival option to just present their work.

Submission website: