Call For Papers

NLP and IR have been powering e-Commerce applications since the early days of the fields. Today, NLP and IR already play a significant role in e-commerce tasks, including product search, recommender systems, product question answering, machine translation, sentiment analysis, product description and review summarization, and customer review processing, among many other tasks. With the exploding popularity of chatbots and shopping assistants – both text- and voice-based – NLP, IR, question answering, and dialogue systems research is poised to transform e-commerce once again, but requires a forum where new and unfinished ideas could be discussed. 

The ECNLP workshop will provide a venue for the dissemination of NLP and IR research results related to e-commerce and online shopping, bringing together researchers from both academia and industry.  The workshop welcomes submission of late-breaking and preliminary research results, as well as opinion and position papers.

ECNLP invites quality research contributions in different formats:

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process, and accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Important Dates and Submission Instructions

See the upcoming workshop's page for exact dates, page limits, and submission instructions: