
There are many ways you can find out more about our amazing supervolcano. Our researchers are continually making new discoveries, exploring the underworld beneath the TVZ, and finding out the hidden history of eruptions going back in time.

ECLIPSE Lead Scientist Prof Colin Wilson FRS was awarded New Zealand's top science medal, the Rutherford Medal, in 2017 for his life's work on supervolcanoes. To learn more see these videos:

Professor Colin Wilson on Supervolcanoes (2:48)

2017 Rutherford Medal winner Prof Colin Wilson and his work on supervolcanoes (0:47)

Presentation of the Rutherford Medal at the Royal Society of New Zealand Research Honours 2017 (6:48)

Prof Colin Wilson's Full length Rutherford lecture "The Life and Times of Supervolcanoes" (57:45)

For a list of ECLIPSE publications click here