
A hard copy of the ECLC reader was given to students by J.D. This reader includes:

  1. Roy Hansen, "Hearing the Cry of the Poor: The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador," Santa Clara Magazine, 2014.
  2. Rick Steves, Travel as a Political Act, Avalon Travel, 2015, ch 1 & 4.
  3. I originally gave you an article about Pilgrimage by Martha E. Stortz, but below is a shorter summary that gets you the info I want you to have. The shorter one below is called "What is Pilgrimage?"
  4. Excerpts from All Saints: Maura Clarke and Companions, Ignacio Ellacuria and Companions, Rutilio Grande, and Martyrs of El Mozote.
  5. Excerpts from ELCA Advocacy, "Our Communities in Crisis," May 2015.

Required Reading

ECLC Reader

What is pilgrimage.pdf
ECLC ELS Reader 6.17.pdf

Other Resources

el salvador reading list.pdf

CGEE Reader

CGEE ElSalvadorPreProgramReadingsResources.pdf
CGEE ELS Reader 6.17.pdf
ELS CIA 6,17.pdf