ECDC Responsibilities

Image banner by Kirsten Ulve


The Euclid Consortium Diversity Committee (ECDC) is in charge of monitoring various aspects of diversity within the consortium as well as proposing ways to foster an inclusive work environment. In particular, the ECDC will:

  • maintain a Code of Conduct for the EC;

  • make strategic recommendations for equality policy development and implementation and, where necessary, submit proposals for policy changes or initiatives to the EC Board;

  • be included in the decision process (ranging from making process recommendations to monitoring functions) for hiring decisions for consortium level management positions (e.g. work package leads, SWG leads);

  • monitor statistics of the overall membership, as well as for the various leadership positions in the EC;

  • provide educational resources (best practices in fair hiring, unconscious bias, etc) for the members of the EC;

  • conduct periodic member climate surveys;

  • monitor the speaker composition at EC sponsored/supported meetings;

  • serve as a contact point for member concerns/suggestions.