Organisation of 

EC events

Image banner by Kirsten Ulve

Euclid Consortium Sponsored Events Rules 

** Please note that this version of the Euclid Consortium Sponsored Events Rules might not always be the most recent due to delays in updating the website. The most up to date version can always be found on the Redmine. **

Drafted by the Euclid Consortium Diversity Committee

Version 2.2

March 23 2023

Version 1.2

October 13 2020


The Euclid Consortium (EC) is a large collaboration composed of people from different backgrounds and cultures. The Euclid Consortium believes that having a fair representation of its diverse members in all its groups and working structures contributes to a healthy, pleasant and productive atmosphere that will help achieve its goals. 

Unfortunately, not all the EC groups, activities and events have a fair representation of its members. In this document, the Euclid Consortium establishes a set of rules to ensure that all the events organised under the name of the Euclid Consortium are fairly represented. 

Euclid Events 

An event is considered a Euclid Consortium event when it is funded by Euclid related funds and/or the name and image of Euclid appears prominently. Examples of Euclid events are the Annual Euclid Collaboration meetings; National Euclid meetings; international conferences, workshops and meetings organised by the Euclid Consortium; Euclid Schools, open access meetings where the name and image of Euclid appears prominently or have been funded with Euclid related funds. These events normally have an Organising Committee (local and/or scientific) and may invite experts for lectures, scientific contributions or talks.


Euclid events shall comply with the following rules: 

●  Before openly advertising the event, their organisers should contact the Euclid Consortium Diversity Committee (ECDC) to ensure that their committees, speakers, web pages or other public distributed material adhere to these rules. 

●  Euclid events should adopt the Euclid Code of Conduct , that should be linked to the Conference/meeting webpage.

●  The organisers of Euclid events should try to make their LOC, SOC and speakers be representative of the Euclid Consortium composition. 

●  Euclid Consortium members participating in the organisation of Euclid events should engage actively in their roles. 

●  At the discretion of the organisers, the ECDC will be happy to provide direct help and support by having an ECDC committee member join their organizing committee. 

 All communication before, during and after the meeting (mails and web pages advertising the meeting, talks, slides, discussions) should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Translations in national languages are, of course, appropriate.

●  If there are any doubts that any of the attendees do not understand the language used, the default language should be English. An anonymous poll should be taken BEFORE a meeting (not at the meeting) of attendees and only if the poll is unanimous in agreeing that a language other than English is ok should that be allowed.

●  The possibility of attending remotely the meeting should always be foreseen, to favour the participation of people that for any reasons cannot attend in person.

These rules should be adopted by all Euclid Consortium meetings, including the Internal meetings within the structures of Euclid like instrument groups, science working groups or science ground segment group meetings, as long as a SOC/LOC and a WEB page (that also includes pages on Redmine only) are being set-up.



Euclid Consortium Code of Conduct

Euclid Consortium Meeting Code of Conduct

Euclid Consortium Diversity Committee Members