Evidence-based and good practice exercises

Exercises are available to registered users. Register as IT-Up user using the "eCARE IT-Up user registration form" here.

The main objectives of the exercises is to strengthen the profile of the teaching professions:

  1. building leadership capacity to make change, promoting the teacher’s’ voice;
  2. enhancing specific competences, awareness and learners’ needs comprehension, aiming at understanding subject matter accurately and openly;
  3. engaging the learners inclusively so that they can help them generate useful cognitive maps, relay ideas to one another, and tackle misconceptions;
  4. linking with the background of the learners so that they understand how ideas and concepts connect transversely fields and to daily life;
  5. creating the necessary pre-conditions aiming at providing substance for “pedagogical content knowledge” (Shulman 1987), which empowers teachers to make concepts reachable to others;
  6. understanding of how to support growth in various domains—cognitive, social, physical, and emotional;
  7. clear and strong provision of understanding of differences that may arise from advanced intelligence, traditions and culture at large, family practises and background, and approaches to education;
  8. enabling constructive thoughts about what it means to study different varieties of material for diverse objectives and how to select the learning methodologies which are most needed in different settings.

Whilst developing teachers/trainers/facilitators competences, pupils also build capacity in the thematic of the project.

Exercise n.º 1 > "Breaking and rebuilding persons" (Fundació Escolàpies, Spain)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 2 – Profiling the victim of bullying .

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. instil the respect to the neighbour;
  2. alert about the consequences of doing damage to them others;
  3. avoid negative harmful comments towards them others.

Exercise n.º 2 > "Draw the emotion" (C.r.i.s.i., Italy)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 4 – Profiling the victim of witnessing violence.

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. recognise the behaviours of a victim;
  2. help victims of bullying to express themselves ;
  3. recognise violent dynamics and avoid them;
  4. find common feelings in victims and bullies.

Exercise n.º 3 > "Move beyond" (C.r.i.s.i., Italy)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 5 – The conflict

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. recognise the dynamics of a conflictual relationship;
  2. hypothesise new behaviour strategies;
  3. recognise violent dynamics and avoid them;
  4. take responsibility for his acts.

Exercise n.º 4 > "Promises tree" (Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 11, Romania)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 1 – Profiling the author of bullying.

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. develop social-emotional skills, discipline and emotional regulation;
  2. elaborate their own rules of good behaving;
  3. find ways to respect them in every circumstance;
  4. take responsibility for his acts.

Exercise n.º 5 > "My words, The world" (Ali Karay Ortaokulu, Turkey)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 7 – Interventions and Applicable Strategies.

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. recognise different forms taken by violence at school;
  2. be able to recognise violent attitudes;
  3. know different methodologies to prevent violence at school;
  4. understand possible pathways towards establishing an anti-violence policy;
  5. recognise elements that should be included in an anti-violence policy;
  6. know how to establish partnerships with Civil Society Organisations.

Exercise n.º 6 > "Tell me your story" (Ali Karay Ortaokulu, Turkey)

This exercise practices outcomes from the Unit of Learning Outcome/Module n.º 7 – Interventions and Applicable Strategies.

After practising the present exercise, learners should be able to:

  1. recognise different forms taken by violence at school;
  2. be able to recognise violent attitudes;
  3. know different methodologies to prevent violence at school;
  4. understand possible pathways towards establishing an anti-violence policy;
  5. recognise elements that should be included in an anti-violence policy;
  6. know how to establish partnerships with Civil Society Organisations.

Evaluation form (assessments)

The evaluation form for these exercises is available once you are registered as user.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project title "Early Child Abuse Response Enabling" (eCARE).

Contract grant 2015-1-TR01-KA201-022267