
Status and Queue




Images may appear distorted due to the watermarks used. If the art is on a site where a watermark is added and can be altered by the user to their preference, like, I use that version rather than my watermark.

Normal: Any

Pixel: Any

Chibi: Feral Only -- Can do Headshots of Anthros

Chibi Pixel: Feral Only -- Can do Headshots of Anthros

Lineless (Normal and Chibi): Any

Headshots are to around the neck and shoulders. Half-Bodies are to around bust to waist. Knee-Ups are to around the knees. Full Bodies are the entire body.

Sketches are traditional only (I do not offer digital sketches) and can be done in pen or pencil. I typically use a blue pen, and but I have multiple color options.

An additional $1.00-5.00 charge may be added for complicated poses.

Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character


Headshot: $2.00 ♠️

Half-Body: $3.00 ♠️

Knee-Up: $4.00 ♠️

Full Body: $5.00 ♠️


Normal [✔] | Pixel [] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Design by @ | Character


Rough Lines | Clean Lines

Headshot: $3.00 | $6.00

Half-Body: $4.00 | $7.00

Knee-Up: $5.00 | $8.00

Full Body: $6.00 | $9.00


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character

Colored - Flat

Rough Lines | Clean Lines

Headshot: $7.00 | $10.00

Half-Body: $9.00 | $12.00

Knee-Up: $11.00 | $14.00

Full Body: $13.00 | $16.00


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character

Colored - Shaded

Rough Lines | Clean Lines

Headshot: $11.00 | $14.00

Half-Body: $13.00 | $16.00

Knee-Up: $15.00 | $18.00

Full Body: $17.00 | $20.00


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [✔] | Lineless Chibi [✔]

Lineless is an additional +$2.00


Simple Background: +$0.20-1.00 ♠️

Complex Background (Scenery): +$2.50-10.00 ♠️

Gore: Varies ♠️

Body Horror: Varies ♠️

Objects/Props: Varies ♠️

Additional Characters:

Varies based on view and the number of characters

For example: for a sketch with 2 characters, and both are full bodies, it is $10.00. For a sketch with 2 characters, and one's entire body can be seen (full body) while the other is only seen from the waist up (half-body), it is $8.00.

Above: Character

Beside/Below: Character 

"On the Horizon"


Ferals Only


Headshot: $12.00

Half-Body: $14.00

Knee-Up: $16.00

Full Body: $18.00


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Reference Sheet



Base Price

Character: $2.00 ♠️

Aesthetic: $2.50 ♠️


My Choice/Any Size: +$0 ♠️

2×2: +$0.50 ♠

2×3: +$1.00 ♠️

3×3: +$1.50 ♠️

3×4: +$2.00 ♠️

4×4: +$2.50 ♠️

4×5: +$3.00

5×5: +$3.50


Edited Image: +$2.50 ♠️

Palette: +$0.25-1.00 ♠️

Art: Varies

Moodboard for @Deer_Dock based on their Character

Moodboard made for a character design

Moodboard based on Kaliis Gilwraeth from The Aurora Cycle

Personal Moodboard based on Unknown

Reference Sheet


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Rough Lines

Base Price



1 Side (Front): +$0

2 Sides (Front and Back): +$6.50


Notes: +$0

Eyes: +$0

Blood: +$0

Color Palette(s): +$0

Accessories: +$0.00-1.00

Separate Markings/Tattoos/Scars: Varies

Separate Limb(s): +$1.00-$5.00 per Limb

Headshot: +$3.50/copy | +$7.00/unique

Half-Body: +$4.50/copy | +$9.00/unique

Knee-Up: +$5.50/copy | +$11.00/unique

Full Body w/ Outfit: +$6.50/outfit

Unique Full Body: +$13.00/unique

Clean Lines

Base Price



1 Side (Front): +$0

2 Sides (Front and Back): +$8.00


Notes: +$0

Eyes: +$0

Blood: +$0

Color Palette(s): +$0

Accessories: +$0.00-1.00

Separate Markings/Tattoos/Scars: Varies

Separate Limb(s): +$1.00-$5.00 per Limb

Headshot: +$5.00/copy | +$10.00/unique

Half-Body: +$6.00/copy | +$12.00/unique

Knee-Up: +$7.00/copy | +$14.00/unique

Full Body w/ Outfit: +$8.00/outfit

Unique Full Body: +$16.00/unique

1 | Upper: Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character

2 | Lower: Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character

3 | Design by @Bluekittyhorse | Character



Badges are completely customizable, and there are a lot of possible options. 

You can find all the possible materials here. I'll update it as I can, but certain items may be unavailable and I might have new materials I don't have pictured.


Colored Flat or Shaded Headshot or Half-Body price + $1.00 for a 1 Sided Badge.

Colored Flat or Shaded Headshot or Half-Body ×2 + $1.00 for a 2 Sided Badge.

For example:

1 Sided Badge with a Colored Flat Headshot: $11.00


2 Sided Badge with a Colored Flat Headshot: $21.00


Base Price


To calculate the full price it is the Base Price + Art + Lanyard and/or Keychain + Charms.

For example:

1 Sided Badge with a Colored Flat Headshot, a 36in Black Ribbon Lanyard, no keychain, and no charms: $18.00



No Lanyard: $0

36in Black Ribbon Lanyard: $3.00

34-38in Brown Leather Floral Lanyard: $10.00

38in Flat Bling Lanyard: $7.00

38in Flat Multi Bling Lanyard: $6.00


No Keychain: $0

Silver Lobster Clasp Keychain: $3.00

Holo Lobster Clasp Keychain: $3.00

Holo Star Keychain: $5.00

Holo Moon Keychain: $5.00


No Charms: $0


$2.00 Base Price

Pendants: $0.50-$3.00 per Pendant

Bead Lines: $0.10 per Bead


For architecture, I typically do two-point perspective drawings. I can do one-point perspective too, but I highly prefer two-point perspective.


A graphite sketch done on paper

Starts at $40

+$5 hourly rate

Graphite - Traditional

A shaded/rendered, graphite version of the sketch

Starts at $80

+$20 hourly rate

Lined - Traditional

A pen lined version of the sketch

Starts at $50

+$10 hourly rate

Lined - Digital

A digitally lined version of the sketch

Starts at $55

+$15 hourly rate

Watercolor - Traditional

A colored version of the sketch done in watercolor (can occasionally include some shading/rendering)

Starts at $70

+$20 hourly rate

Lined and Colored - Digital

A digitally lined and colored version of the sketch (does not include shading/rendering)

Starts at $60

+$15 hourly rate

An additional fee may be added for super complex pieces.

The sketch and any piece labeled as Traditional can be shipped. Shipping is not factored into the cost.


Price of the original art + 50% for each frame after that (simple animation) + 2% per remaining frame for repeats


Normal [✔] | Pixel [✔] | Chibi [✔] | Chibi Pixel [✔] | Lineless Normal [] | Lineless Chibi []

Clean lines only

Base Price

View: Lineart | Colored - Flat | Colored - Shaded

Headshot: $6.00 | $10.00 | $14.00

Half-Body: $7.00 | $12.00 | $16.00

Knee-Up: $8.00 | $14.00 | $18.00

Full Body: $9.00 | $16.00 | $20.00


+50%-100% of the base price for each unique frame

+2% of the base price for each repeated frame


Simple Background: +$0.20-1.00

Complex Background (Scenery): +$2.50-10.00

Gore: Varies

Body Horror: Varies

Objects/Props: Varies

Amount of Characters

No Characters: Varies

1 Character: No change in price

2 or More Characters:

Base Price for each character (ex. flat colored - 2 full bodies, colored and shaded - 1 headshot and 1 half-body)

+50%-100% of the total base price × # of characters that are animated for each unique frame

+2% of the total base price for each repeated frame

Add-Ons: No change in price for backgrounds. Gore and body horror are per character. Objects/Props may have no change in price or be per character.

Characters with multiple heads (ex. hydras) and/or that are conjoined twins may be counted as 2 or more characters.

For example:

An animation like the one on the left/below is a Flat Colored Headshot with 1 character and no add-ons in my Pixel style. It has a total of 35 frames with 4 unique and 31 repeated. It costs $36.20.


If, something was changed, the price would go up or down. Less repeated frames, cutting down the time between blinks, would cause it to go down. 25 total frames instead of 35 total frames would make it $34.20 instead of $36.20. Adding something to it, like shading or more frames/more time between each blink, would cause it to go up. An additional 10 frames, so a total of 45 frames, would make it $38.20, while shading would bring the cost up to $41.04.

Aurora Cycle AU Fanart

For more than one character in an animation, pricing works differently.

The still version of this is a Flat Colored Headshot and Half-Body with 2 characters and a background in my Pixel style. V.1 of the animation is a Flat Colored Headshot and Half-Body with 2 characters and a background in my Pixel style, with both characters blinking at the same time. V.2 of the animation is a Flat Colored Headshot and Half-Body with 2 characters and a background in my Pixel style, with one character blinking and then the other a few frames later. Both animated versions have a total of 35 frames, but V.1 has 4 unique frames and 31 repeated frames while V.2 has 7 unique frames and 28 repeated frames.

The still version of the animation is $27.00 ($12.00 for Gwyar, $10.00 for Lorcan, $5.00 for the background). The cost of Gwyar + Lorcan will be the base price, or $22.00, the background will be factored in later.

The cost of animation in V.1 is $101.64, with the equation for it being (($11.00×4)×2)+($0.44×31). The cost of animation in V.2 is $166.32, with the equation for it being (($11.00×7)×2)+($0.44×28). For the unique frames, 50% of the total base price is $11.00. This is multiplied by the number of unique frames (4 for V.1, 7 for V.2), and then that number is multiplied by the number of characters in the piece (2). For the repeated frames, 2% of the total base price is $0.44. This is multiplied by the number of repeated frames (31 for V.1, 28 for V.2).

The only add-on to this is the background, which is $5.00.

All of this comes out to $128.64 for V.1, and $193.32 for V.2

V.1: ($12.00+$10.00)+(($11.00×4)×2)+($0.44×31)+$5.00=$128.64

V.2: ($12.00+$10.00)+(($11.00×7)×2)+($0.44×28)+$5.00=$193.32


Both Designs by @Bluekittyhorse | Gwyar and Lorcan

Animated - V.1

Both Designs by @Bluekittyhorse | Gwyar and Lorcan

Animated - V.2

Both Designs by @Bluekittyhorse | Gwyar and Lorcan