Important Info

Accepted Payments

I accept PayPal/Venmo/US$

In some cases I also take Amino Coins (AC)(Amino), Chicken Dollars (C$)(Chicken Smoothie), Treasure (t)(Flight Rising), and Gems (g)(Flight Rising).

Conversion Rate

$1.00 = 100pts. = 1,000 AC = 20C$ = 100,000t = 100g

♠️ = Prices available in DA Points / AC / C$ / t / g 

DA Points / AC / C$ / t / g  is not always an option, I don't accept them on certain items.

Trades and Requests/Freebies

I occasionally do trades and accept requests/have freebies. You can find information for those here.


People who are in the "Strike" category will have a harder time getting anything from me. People who are in the "Ban" category will not receive any of my content.


None, let's try to keep it this way




Terms of Service

Character Designs

1. Include proper credits for the design and artwork when sharing/posting.

2. Don't sell them for higher than what you paid unless they were redesigned, had an alt. form/design added, or additional art or writing of some sorts was added.

•If the design was auctioned off and the AB included extra art or something else (ex. outfit design, alt. form), the extras received do not count.

3. Please ask before using a design for commercial purposes.

4. Do not give (sell, trade, gift, etc.) my designs to people on my blacklist who fall under the "Ban" section (see above).

•If someone is in the "Strike" section, it is fine if you give (sell, trade, gift, etc.) a design of mine to them.

5. Wait at least 7 days after you've obtained one of my designs before selling or trading it.

•If you are purchasing a design for someone else or with the intent on giving it to someone (ie. a gift) else within 7 days, please let me know before we start discussing the sale/trade/etc. This is perfectly fine, I'd just like a heads up that this is your intention.

If you're in an emergency situation where you need any possible funds from the design for something (ie. food, rent, medical costs, stuff like that) you can sell them, just give me a heads up you're selling a design of mine and why. Details aren't needed, just give me something quick and simple, like "hey, I'm selling one of your designs I have, I need funds to cover medical costs."

6. Do not edit any art I made of the character. If something needs changed just ask, depending on the edit(s) I can do it for free.

•The only exception to this is Moodboards where you're including an image of the character (ex. image, image).

7. You can redesign them however you'd like, just credit me for the original and include proper credits for the design and artwork when sharing/posting the old design.

8. Do not use my designs to create Original Species without receiving permission.

•This may be fine sometimes, however a lot of my designs are already a part of Original Species or I may be uncomfortable with certain designs being used to create an Orignal Species.

9. If the design came with any information this can of course be changed however you'd like, with the only exceptions being Original Species related pieces of info (ex. ID#, traits, rarity, type, etc. -- some of this can be changed if transferring them out of the Species or redesigning them, just be sure to follow the Species' rules).


1. All works produced by me cannot be sold/used for commercial purposes unless agreed upon otherwise

2. All works produced by me must be properly credited

3. Do not edit my works

4. Do not use any of my works that were not created specifically for you

•The only exception to this is if the work was created for others to use (ex. an icon of a communal character)

5. Do not trace or heavily reference my works

•I'm fine with people using the official references/guides I make of my Original Species or references/guides of other's Species as references, that's what they're there for. I don't mind people tracing or heavily referencing my Species references/guides as long as it is purely used to study their anatomy and nothing else (don't use it to make characters, don't use it to draw your characters, don't use it as a base, etc.) AND it is not shared publicly in any way shape or form unless I've explicitly given you permission to share it.


1. All works produced by me cannot be sold/used for commercial purposes unless agreed upon otherwise

2. All works produced by me must be properly credited

3. Do not edit my works

•Spelling and grammar mistakes can be corrected, and any names, pronouns, honorifics, etc. can be altered if the character has changed, but other than that no edits can be made and you must state that you have made a change to the work and what (ex. edits were made to the original as character1 had their name changed from abc to xyz)

4. Do not use any of my works that were not created specifically for you

5. My works can be referenced/used as evidence in essays, studies, etc. as long as proper citations are done