

Images may appear distorted due to the watermarks used. If the art is on a site where a watermark is added and can be altered by the user to their preference, like Toyhou.se, I use that version rather than my watermark.

For anything with worths/prices listed beside them: These numbers are based on my current prices and added regardless of if the drawing was a commission or not, not based on what was paid for them (if they were paid for and if a change was made since the commission was done). This is so people have an accurate idea of what a similar commission would cost.



Personal Work - Midori | $62.40


Personal | $300-320

Personal | $60

Personal | $150

Personal | $70

Request | $50


Right: Commission | $???

Left: Mine | $???

Mine | $???

(Half of the one to the right >)


(< Half of the one to the left/the middle image)


Size comparison


Size comparison

Mine | $???


Card Decks and Games

Character Design

Designs on TH

^ Personal Character Design - Kalila | $39.00

^ Kahvmas Adopt - Available | $27.50

Cryscential Adopt - Available | $20.00

Personal Character Design - Harvest Moon | $28.00

< Personal Character Redesign - Zreixith



Canine Adopt >

Sold to Tessa_TheGlamrock on TH

$22.50 ($44.50 with everything added on with the AB)

Kahvmas Adopt

Gifted to Sonar on TH


Personal Character Design - Kalian | $25.00

Above: Delvorinan Doll Adopt - Gifted to ThreeTrees on TH | $20.00

Below: Delvorinan Doll Adopt - Gifted to RemY23 on TH | $15.00

Tecani Leoni Adopt - Available | $20.00


All are $14.00-$26.00, with the majority on the lower end of that range.

Row 1

All Personal Work (Nevayah Valkeah - Kahmo - Cedrus Adiera Waxwing - Enid)

Row 2

Art Trade with @LoveTheFreckles on Toyhou.se (Lemon Tart) - AB Add-On for @Tessa_TheGlamrock on Toyhou.se (Esspur) - Commission for @-MilesTheDragon- on Furry Amino - Personal Work (Cordelia)

Row 3

Gift for @Angel_creature on Toyhou.se (Sabrina) - Gift for @Sethboyle90 on Toyhou.se (Mythic Mystery) - Personal Work (Lorcan Mitchell) - Personal Work (Rachita)

Row 4

Personal Work (Alnilam) - Gift for @astrics_art on Instagram - Commission for @master__aster_ on Toyhou.se (Aster) - Fan Art for The Aurora Cycle by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Row 5

Fan Art for Upon Wings of Change by Crystal Scherer - Personal Works (Hrafntýr Amardev Einarsson - Ekio - Vidonia Finch)

Row 6

Personal Work (Μοίρα - Varien) - Art Trade with @Salty Saal on Northling Amino - Personal Work (Gwyar Aurum Desmond)

Row 7

Art Trade with @LoveTheFreckles on Toyhou.se (Kaito) - Personal Work (Eveline - Unnamed - Lorcan Mitchell)

^ Personal Work - Uquaria | $22.00

Personal Work - Rex | $24.00 >

Personal Work - Calista, Serrano, and others | $48.00

Above: Personal Work - Calista | $22.00

Below: Personal Work - Gwyar and Nellie | $36.50


Reference Sheets

Personal Work - Cila | $29.00

Personal Work - Gwyar | $50.00

Personal Work





Micro Fiction

Flash Fiction

Short Story

Long Story

Chapter Based




Link | 125 Words | 5/2022 | $2.50

Salem liked green.

It wasn't her favorite, that was red,

But she liked green.

And it was everywhere.

The lime green of her girlfriend best friend's eyes,

A dark sea green school binder,

The phtalo green gem hanging from their neck,

A relic of a lost way of life,

A tea green blanket she had gotten from them.

The sheen green leaves softly swaying on the trees,

The thin, olive drab blades of grass that tickled any bit of exposed skin,

A fern green tent, pitched beside hers every night,

Little notes on nyanza colored paper,

And a small, mantis green jewel in her pocket.

There was so much green,

So many tints and shades.

Most tied to one person,

Her friend, The Runaway Director.

Puppet in the Corner

Link | 175 Words | 2/2023 | $3.50

CWs: Death, Child Abandonment

Many folk tales ago,

Enough time for my own to come about,

A younger version of myself stood

Upon these hallowed grounds where I now reign,

Tossed into the corner like an unamusing doll.

I have grown used to the empty halls,

The distant sounds of laughter,

Glimpses of a family I do not fit into,

Two joyful and spoiled new toys,

And the unapproving puppeteers.

I have grown used to the vacant sitting rooms,

The desolate and dust covered library,

The black void of the grand hall,

The abandoned gardens sprawling on into the distance,

And a seat in the dining room I never dare touch.

I linger like they do,

The ghosts.

I can see them now,

Did you know?

Did you care?

Of course not,

For like them I have been forgotten,

I am no longer useful,

I am no longer wanted,

You got your shiny new toys you always wanted

Instead of what you ended up with the first time around.

And so, like the ghosts,

I await a new purpose.

Café Meeting

Link | 743 Words | 6/2023 | $7.43

CWs: Human Experimentation, Experimenting on Children, Adoption, Running Away

As Theo walked into Oasis Café, he was immediately hit with the almost overwhelmingly nostalgic scent of coffee, coconut, and caramel. The little café had hardly changed since the last time he visited. Of course, he didn't expect much of a change to occur there in a year, but, considering how much he had changed in that time, it wouldn't have surprised him if the place had changed. He got in line to order as he continued looking around, inspecting every familiar and unfamiliar face, every table and chair and cup and plate, how some plants and pots had been replaced and the paint on some walls was chipping from chairs knocking into them and it was fading from exposure to the sun.

Once he got to the front of the line, Theo took a quick glance at the menu, placed his order, and went to find a table. He picked out a small table for two by a window where he could watch people going about their days while waiting. He got up to grab his drink a few minutes later, and he scrolled through random posts on Instagram while he sipped on his drink. He glanced up whenever the bell on the door rang, signaling that someone had entered or left the café.

On one glance up he caught sight of a familiar face. He looked back down at his phone, waiting for the other person to approach as he tried to settle his mind and keep his emotions in check. He couldn't blow up here.

"Hello, Theodore." Theo looked back up.

"Hey, Leyton," Theo greeted with a smile as Leyton sat in the seat across from him, "How are you?"

"I'm good," Leyton replied.

"That's good." Both went silent, tension thick in the air.

"How are Malakai and… Viridis?" Leyton asked.

"They're doing well. Malakai got into the nursing course he's been talking about for years, and Viridis got the job he wanted." Theo shifted uncomfortably, anger slowly bleeding into his mind and thrumming cooly in his veins.

"That's good. And Akiko, did she ever find something she wanted to do?" Theo's grip tightened around his cup.

"She's happy with what she's been doing, and she's received nothing but perfect marks so far. Got an award a few weeks after you… y'know. Kinda soured the occasion for her, we knew about it even before then and she wanted you to be there." That was stupid and he knew it, bringing up Leyton's leave like that. It was Leyton's turn to cringe and shift uncomfortably in his seat, tapping his fingers against the mug in his hands.

"You know why I had to leave," Leyton said after an awkward pause.

"No. I don't," Theo's eyes narrowed, cool anger thrumming freely through him, flowing in his veins and crackling in his bones and muscles like comfortingly familiar electricity. He embraced it. "And neither do the others. I get it, you don't agree with their actions and way of life, the one I and the rest of my friends embraced, and you were upset about being adopted and Project SoH was the icing on the cake for you." Leyton noticed how Theo's pupils also slimmed slightly, more of an oval shape now. "But you left. You abandoned us. You ran off without so much as a whisper of what you were planning or reassurances that you'd be okay or apologies for leaving us at a time when we needed each other for support or anything." Theo sighed deeply, "So no, I don't understand."

Both went quiet and still.

"I'm sorry."

"No you aren't."

"How are you?"

Theo let all the emotions drop from his face. Familiar, like the mind altering code that bound him when he was needed. He rolled up his sleeve and set his arm, palm side up, on the table, the mark permanently embedded in his body on display. Familiar, like the touch of the creature that tore him apart and rebuilt him with a new purpose. "What do you think?" Familiar like the buzz in the air around him before a lightning strike.

"You're one of her's."

"And it was you running away that started the butterfly effect that led to me signing the contract." That was a lie, and if Leyton forgot the real reason and believed it then Theo was glad the boy he had once thought of as a brother had abandoned him for a fantasy.