Ebb&Flow brings Mindfulness to the masses, through CBT techniques and mindfulness meditation practices. Developing a daily Mindfulness practice will make you more emotionally resilient, contented, better relationships and follow your own path through life with confidence, cultivating an ease of being.

Gaining good mental health and the tools to maintain it are key to a happy, fulfilling life. Health is a gift to our-self from our-self, resulting in peace, self-discovery and contentment.

I am a trained behavioural scientist, with professional qualifications in Cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling and mindfulness meditation. I have thirteen years of experience, working with individuals and groups, around health and well-being.

As a Wellbeing Practitioner I also support people through challenging periods in their lives by using selected elements of mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy. My specialist knowledge can be applied to support people with common mental health issues. Some current courses deal with;

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Phobias
  • Relationship with food
  • Support groups for parenting
  • Men’s mental health
  • Teen exam stress

Put yourself at the center of your life; be kind to yourself and begin to feel comfortable in your own company. Learn who you are and what you need to be a happy, successful person.

I have always enjoyed getting to know people. My life has brought me to Yorkshire and here I discovered the joy of helping others and teaching mindfulness meditation.

My own mental & physical health difficulties helped me to see that I had spent a long time trying to please others, fitting into where I thought I 'should' be and trying to be 'good enough'. I always felt that feeling was unique to me, but over time I learnt that I was not alone.

My mindfulness journey started 8 years ago. Through mindfulness I feel that I am now at a point that I can share the freedom that it can bring.

I can’t wait to meet you at a session, group or workshop, where we will take the first steps in your journey into mindfulness, together.