Community Meetings

The district began hosting meetings with members of the East Mills communities on January 27, 2021. To ensure that citizens are as informed as possible, we are archiving presentation slides and videos, where available, from all meetings on this page.

Regional Center for CTE Press Releases & Information

Lakin Statement final.pdf
RCCTE HANDOUT 08-30-21.pdf

Meeting 6: June 2, 2021 | Hastings | East Mills Elementary School

Meeting 6 Presentations and Video

Presentation Index

1-8: Welcome/Recap

9-22: Financials (Historic Levy & Tax Info, Summary Tax Impact)

23-31: Enrollment Analysis

32-72: Survey Results (Community Participation, Staff/Student Responses, Preferred Concepts)

73-End: Preferred Project Options for Discussion, Roadmap for Next Steps

Financial Presentation

The document below the presentation is from fiscal agent Piper Sandler. It details area school levies and property valuations by class in comparison to East Mills communities. There is also a breakdown of the tax impacts of potential funding mechanisms in relation to the district's existing debt levy.

2021-06-02_19058_East Mills_CE6_Copy.pdf
Public Meeting Info 6-2-2021.pdf

Meeting 5: May 12, 2021 | Malvern | East Mills High School

Meeting 5 Presentation and Video

Presentation Index

1-8: Welcome/Recap

9-25: Financials (including Former Nishna & Malvern Levy Info)

26-33: Enrollment Analysis

34-59: Survey Results (Community Participation, Objectives, Preferred Concepts)

60-End: Potential Project Options for Discussion, Focus Groups, Next Steps

2021-05-12_19058_East Mills_CE-5.pdf

Meeting 4: April 21, 2021 | Hastings | East Mills Elementary School

Note: The YouTube video recording cut off approximately 5 minutes from the beginning of this meeting. Missing content is limited to introductions and welcome messages to attendees.
2021-04-21_19058_East Mills_CE-4.pdf

Meeting 4 Presentation and Video

Presentation Index (above)

9-19: Facilities Analysis/Assessment Findings & Recommendations

20-33: Financial Recap, Levy Rate Comparisons, Valuation & Tax Impact Info

34-62: Community Engagement Survey Results

63-69: Potential Project Options/Ideas to Stimulate Discussion

70-End: Next Steps, September Election Timeline

Financial Presentation Index (below)

This document prepared by fiscal agents Piper Sandler includes tax information relevant to the district in relation to historic school levy rates, area school levy comparisons, property valuation comparisons by class of property, and summary debt schedule/tax impact information. This information was discussed in the 4/21 meeting. See above video at approximately 17:30 for beginning of discussion.

Public Meeting Info 4-20-2021.pdf

Meeting 3: March 31, 2021 | Malvern | East Mills High School

Meeting 3 Presentation and Video

Presentation Index

10-25: Facilities Analysis/Assessment Report Findings

26-31: Financial Recap

32-44: Community Engagement Survey Results

45-66: Where Do We Want To Be?

67-End: Next Steps

2021-03-31_19058_East Mills_CE-3.pdf

Meeting 2: March 3, 2021 | Hastings | East Mills Elementary

Meeting 2 Presentation and Video

Presentation Index

8-26: Community Engagement Overview

27-34: Facilities Assessment Report Findings

35-53: Recommendations, Additional Analysis

54-58: District Financial Summary

73: Upcoming Meetings Schedule

2021-03-03_19058_East Mills_CE-2.pdf

Meeting 1: January 27, 2021 | Malvern | East Mills High School

Meeting 1 Presentation and Video

Presentation Index

3: Table of Contents

4-34: Team and Process Information

35-60: Facilities Assessment Findings & Recommendations

61-64: Financial Summary

2021-01-26_19058_East Mills_CE-1.pdf