GE3 Members

The Google Earth Education Experts (GE3) are a global network of teachers and educational technologists that help their organizations and educators everywhere push the boundaries of what’s possible for Google Earth in the classroom. Each member excels at sharing the potential of geo technologies through authoritative pedagogy and practice, has completed ambitious projects in their communities using Google tools, and has experience training others on how to use Google Geo tools.

GE3 members are given advanced access to new Google Earth and Maps features, a unique digital badge, and support from the Google Earth team as they conduct trainings, workshops, and share ideas and resources with our broader community.

If you are interested in a training at your school, would like to consult on a project, or simply learn more about the tools, there are active GE3 member boards in Canada, Europe, the United States, and across Asia Pacific. Check the calendar to see if there are any events near you.

Join our Global Community to learn about program updates, resources, and when GE3 joins forces with Google for awesome workshops.