Frequently Asked Questions

In the US, can the Geo tools be used in compliance with COPPA and FERPA?

As Google “Additional Services,” Google Earth and the other Geo tools can be used in compliance with COPPA when schools obtain appropriate parental consent. For more information on obtaining consent see this page of the Google Help Center. There are even more details around Trust, Privacy & Security on the Google Earth Education website.

For GSuite schools that are unable to grant access to all of their students, we recommend enabling access of Google Earth to teachers in the G Suite Admin console. Even in presentation or demo mode, Google Earth is a very powerful application.

Does my school need GSuite to run this technology?

Yes and No. It's is possible to experience Google Earth, Maps, Street View , and Earth Engine Timelapse visualizations without using GSuite or logging into a Google account. However, if you are interested in authoring stories or content creation, saving 'My Places,' or sharing your work with others, you will need a Google account. It ultimately depends on what you would like to do and who you are collaborating with. Note, there are age requirements on Google Accounts.

Do I need to be a Google Certified Educator to use these tools?

Nope! The tools are available for people everywhere. (Learn more about Google Certified Educators)

How were the GE3 members selected?

The existing members of the Google Earth Education Experts (GE3) program were directly recruited by Google after exhibiting expertise knowledge of the tools, innovative applications, and sustained commitment to bringing the Geo tools to classrooms and educators around the world.

How can I become a member of the GE3 program?

The GE3 program is currently not open to new members, but we want to get to know you! Join the different social channels, share your work and projects, or try to come out to a training event. The best way to get onto the Board is to display your passion for this technology and belief that Google Earth can fundamentally change the ways students see the world.

What are the dates and locations of events that feature Google Earth Education?

There are workshops and trainings held all over the world by the Google Earth Education team and associated Google Earth Education Experts (GE3). Please review the calendar. This calendar reflects where members of the Google team and GE3 will be working, however, there many other PD groups that run trainings on Google's Geo tools.

Is there a Google Geo tools professional development certificate?

There isn't a formal professional development certificate or badge for these tools, however, GE3 and Google team is exploring this as an option in the future.

Looking for technical support or help troubleshooting a problem?

The Google Maps & Earth Help Forum is filled with answers to many common issues. In addition the G Suite Help Forum is also a great resource. We recommend that in the subject matter of your query, you have a label [Earth Education]. That will flag the Top Contributors and members of the GE3 program that are active in those forums that you have a question specifically related to Education.

What if I have more questions about Google Earth in the classroom?

First, we recommend you take a look at the Google Earth Education FAQ. If not answered there, we recommend you post to the Google Maps & Earth Help Forum. And of course, you can always try social media or reach out to an GE3 member!