Several years ago, a small group of EARCAG (see below) steering members who have been involved in the study of geopolitical economy of state transformation in the East Asian context—particularly, Bae-Gyoon Park of Seoul National University (Korea), Jim Glassman of the University of British Columbia (Canada), Jamie Doucette of the University of Manchester (UK), and Jinn-yuh Hsu of National Taiwan University (Taiwan)—formed a loosely structured research network to promote workshops and joint projects exploring both the past and present geographies of East Asian development. We chose the term “geopolitical economy” to summarize the general interests of researchers in the network, and have organized a series of conferences, roundtables, and workshops expressing our interest in furthering geopolitical economic approaches to the study of East Asia. We have called the group the Geopolitical Economies of East Asia Research Network, or EARCAG-GPE group. Three successful workshops were held in Seoul (2013), Vancouver (2015), and Taipei (2017) respectively. Following them, the fourth workshop is planned to be held in Osaka in November 2019. This workshop will consist of three keynote speeches, one special lecture, and approximately 30 papers presented by participants across divergent disciplines and from different countries.


The EARCAG (East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography) aims to establish an international network among alternative geographers in East Asia and to explore further perspectives to investigate local geographical issues in East Asia. Instead of merely translating spatial theories developed in the Western context into local languages, East Asian alternative geographers are needed to reconsider in their own context in order to enrich alternative geography. The EARCAG supports their challenges and encourages their activities. The solidarity among critical and alternative geographers at the global scale has fruited the ICGG (International Critical Geography Group) and other groups and movements to struggle with various geographical problems on the surface of the globe. The EARCAG wishes to be incorporated in part of the global circles and to contribute towards the development of alternative geography.

EARCAG Organizing Committee

Amriah Buang (National U. of Malaysia, Malaysia)

Byung-Doo Choi (Daegu U., South Korea)

Jim Glassman (U. of British Columbia, Canada)

Chu-joe Hsia (National Taiwan U., Taiwan)

Jinn-yuh Hsu (National Taiwan U., Taiwan)

Fujio Mizuoka (Hitotsubashi U., Japan)

Toshio Mizuuchi (Osaka City U., Japan)

Bae-Gyoon Park (Seoul National U., South Korea)

Wing-Shing Tang (Hong Kong Baptist U., Hong Kong)