
Access Informaiton

Keio University, Mita campus
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
official maps and directions
  • By Air

15km from Haneda International Airport

30 min by train (420 yen)

20 min by taxi (5,000 yen)

73km from Narita Airport

1 hour by train

1 hour by taxi

  • By Train

4km from Tokyo Station

20 min by train

11 min by taxi

Keio University, Mita Campus, Tokyo, Japan

Mita Campus

The conference will take place at Keio University’s Mita campus. Established in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa as a small school of Western learning, Keio was Japan’s very first private institution of higher learning. Over the 160 years since its founding, Keio has thrived under its founder’s motto of jitsugaku,[i] or empirical science, as it continues its mission to transform Japan as a modern nation through contributions to education, research, and medicine. Located in central Tokyo, the economic and business hub of Tokyo with very strong connections with both European and Asian counterparts, Keio University is perfect location to discuss the conference theme of Achieving the SDGs.

Keio has 6 major campuses in the Tokyo region. The total student enrollment is 42,291 (undergraduate: 37,489, graduate: 4,802). The total number of staff is 6,008 (academic: 2792, administrative: 3216) [As of 1st May 2021]. The total number of international students and researchers is 1,925 (undergraduate: 861, graduate: 801, others: 263) [As of 1st May 2021]. Keio has around 350 international partners.

[i] Jitsugaku ( 実学 ) is a way of learning about the world applied by Keio University’s founder Yukichi Fukuzawa through the application of reason, observation, and verification. It stemmed from his desire to break free of the Confucian ideals that informed scholarship in 19th-century Japan. Jitsugaku is science in the truest sense of the word and a powerful tool in Keio University’s never-ending search for practical solutions to real-life problems.


Campus information


Keio University is the oldest university in Japan among the modern universities that exist today. It was founded in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa (1835-1901), as a school for Dutch Learning in Edo (present-day Tokyo). Later, it was reorganized to focus on English studies. The founder pursued knowledge endeavoring to understand the society and morals of 19th century civilization in Europe and North America. His beliefs were very progressive in a Japan that was just beginning to awaken from centuries of isolation. In 1868, Fukuzawa renamed his school Keio Gijuku, after the name of the present Keio era (1865-1868) and with the Japanese word ‘gijuku (義塾)’, meaning a private school. Its philosophies such as independence and ‘jitsugaku (実学)’, or empirical science, were already tenets of Keio at this time, and they still lie at the heart of education and research at Keio University today. In 1890 Keio established the first university departments of literature, law, and economics. In 1898 Keio becomes a comprehensive educational institution with college, secondary and elementary schools. In 1906 Graduate programs established.

Fukuzawa emphasized the importance of both honor and intellect in the pursuit of academic learning, and aspired to shape a personal character suitable of societal leaders. Fukuzawa left to his pupils “Keio University is not merely a place for academic pursuit. Its mission is to be a constant source of honorable character and a paragon of intellect and morals for the entire nation and for each member to apply this spirit to elucidate the essence of family, society, and nation. They will not only articulate this essence in words, but also demonstrate it in their actions, and by so doing make Keio a leader of society.” It is now known as the truest purpose of Keio in its most concise form. His legacy is embodied within the Mission of Keio University.

For more details, please visit here.

General Information & Facts and Figures

Today, Keio University is a large university with 10 undergraduate faculties, 15 graduate schools, and approximately 33,000 students.

Undergraduate faculties cover a broad spectrum of academic fields, with each operating independently and offering a wide range of creative and unique educational and research activities.

  • Faculty of Letters

  • Faculty of Economics

  • Faculty of Law

  • Faculty of Business and Commerce

  • School of Medicine

  • Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Faculty of Policy Management

  • Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

  • Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care

  • Faculty of Pharmacy

Graduate school have always fostered a culture of lifelong learning and social responsibility in education and research through theory and application.

  • Graduate School of Letters

  • Graduate School of Economics

  • Graduate School of Law

  • Graduate School of Human Relations

  • Graduate School of Business and Commerce

  • Graduate School of Medicine

  • Graduate School of Science and Technology

  • Graduate School of Media and Governance

  • Graduate School of Health Management

  • Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Graduate School of Business Administration (KBS)

  • Graduate School of System Design and Management (SDM)

  • Graduate School of Media Design (KMD)

  • Law School

  • Leading Graduate Schools

Although research universities around the world usually have high output in the sciences, Keio University is characterized by its high output of research in the humanities and social sciences. However, it is also a comprehensive university with a leading university hospital that enjoys a high reputation in Japan and provides highly advanced medical care.

Keio University Ranked in World's Top 100 in 7 Subject Areas for the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021. Subject Areas in which Keio University ranked in the top 100 in the world are as below.

  • Classics & Ancient History (51st–70th)

  • Linguistics (85th)

  • Anatomy & Physiology (51st–100th)

  • Geography (51st–100th)

  • Economics & Econometrics (99th)

  • Law (88th)

  • Politics & International Studies (51st–100th)

Keio University went on to produce many of Japan's industrial leaders, and true to this tradition, many of its graduates are still playing active, leading roles in industry today.

The strong network among the 390,000 alumni is one of Keio University’s most valuable assets. Today, thought leaders in a variety of fields are making their presence felt both domestically and internationally, not only in industry, but also in medical care, the legal profession, education, science, politics, the arts, culture, and sports

Keio has created societal leaders since its foundation. There have been many leaders in various areas, but it has been remarkable in the business field. The number of CEO of the companies in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange who graduated from Keio University is 272 in 2020, the highest in Japan. In addition, the number of board members of the companies listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange who are graduates of Keio University is 1,917 in 2020, the highest in Japan. The number of people who have passed the certified accountant exam who graduated from Keio University has been the highest over 45 years.

Alumni networks