Renewable or non-disposable 

A community garden is a shared space where individuals come together to grow and cultivate plants, vegetables, and other forms of flora. These gardens are typically maintained by a group of volunteers and offer a variety of benefits to the community, such as providing fresh produce, creating a sense of community, and promoting environmental sustainability. They also serve as a learning and educational opportunity for individuals of all ages to connect with nature and learn about gardening techniques. 

A community partner is an individual or organization that collaborates with a community to address specific needs and achieve common goals. This partnership can take many forms, such as through volunteering, fundraising, or providing resources and support. Community partners play an important role in creating positive change and improving the well-being of a community.

Local community

Student of Environmental Action Club (SEA) 

Bayside P-Patch

Marysville Community Food Bank 

What's inside the starter Kit:

Bug plant sticky trap 

Brown paper bag 

A personalized card

Seed starter peat pellets pod

Biodegradable seedling starter pot

A Sticker

~~ The vibrant yellow petals surround a dark brown center that is perfectly shaped like a heart. ~~