A key part of my goal is to encourage people to grow and harvest their food. I strongly believe that by working together, we can create a healthier way of eating and the importance of youth involvement in food sustainability practices. In a group like this, everyone is welcome to share ideas and experiences on how to improve the way they eat to live a healthier lifestyle. 

Growing your food has numerous benefits! 

Environmental benefits: Growing your food locally reduces transportation emissions and supports sustainable agriculture.

Varieties and diversity of crops: Grow heirlooms and rare varieties to discover new flavors.

Social interaction: Gardening can foster relationships and foster a sense of community among people.

Educational opportunities: Growing your food is a great way for children and adults alike to get some real-life experience.

Self-sufficiency: By growing your food and can make decisions to fit your lifestyle.

Taste and freshness: All homegrown produce is picked at its peak of ripeness for maximum flavor and texture.

Chemical and pesticide control: By growing your food, you can avoid harmful chemicals and use organic methods. 

Cost-effective: Growing your food is more cost-effective, especially when organic products are used.

Increased food security: With your garden, you can guarantee a consistent supply of fresh produce no matter what happens in the supply chain.

Increased nutritional value: Homegrown produce is more likely to be consumed fresh, resulting in improved nutritional value.

Physical activity: Gardening also provides an opportunity for physical activity, promoting better health and well-being.

Boosts mental health: Regular gardening can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.