Class Nameplate

This was a group assignment for class. The goal was to present our team name using various technical skills in order to practice using the tools around us.

We chose to model our design in Solidworks to communicate our ideas and make our fabrication process easier. The letters of the team name and the igloo entrance were 3D printed in PLA.

We used an Arduino electronics platform to flicker our LED's at random intervals of time.

The Arduino and bread board were stored in a box on the back of the base board.

My team was able to balance the work very evenly, despite having varying levels of familiarity with the tools. With this, I was helping in major parts of the design, manufacturing (using laser cutting and hand tools), and the assembly.

My team was very happy with how our nameplate turned out, considering a majority of the team had not used these manufacturing methods before.

It gave me an opportunity to teach someone else skills I have been using for a while, solidifying my own knowledge.