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Design to Assembly

The goal of this project was to create a linear actuating grabber to grasp onto milk crates reliably. The mechanism was designed on SoldiWorks and uses a variety of tools such as a CNC router, mill, and 3D printer. This was one subassembly to a robot made for the FIRST Robotics Competition 2018 game.

Winning Robot at FRIST FRC San Francisco Regional 2018

Industrial Design Award Winner at FIRST FRC Silicon Valley Regional 2018

My team worked with a local hospital to build a machine that will help young patients quickly transition from energetic activities to more focused conversations.

This was a group assignment for class. The goal was to present our team name using various technical skills in order to practice using the tools around us.

My goal was to design and assemble a wheel used for an intaking mechanism on a larger 125 lb robot. I designed this wheel to stay attached to the polyurethane while spinning at high speeds.

Winning Robot of FIRST FRC Chezy Champs Competition 2015


Over 500 hours of shop experience with a wide variety of tools and training.

I have made hundreds of functional parts over the years, focusing on both design for additive manufacturing and the slicing/printing process. My skills were put to the test when I managed my whole team's 3D printing with hundreds of parts to print (530+ printing hours) within 4 short months.