Hi, I'm Dylan Kamm, a Games Programmer from the UK


My Personal Work

I’ve been writing and self publishing light novels ~ fantasy Anime worlds ~ since 2021. My longest running novel is 147,000 words that has had over 725,000 views (2024)

Final Year Project 

Evaluation of a Character Testing Zone in Fighting Games

Final year research project at Falmouth University 

BSc (Hons) Computing for Games (2023)

BlocMove was a spatial reasoning and logic puzzle game that I made to interface with an arduino.

My Collaboration Projects at
Falmouth University

This was my final year game project, created in collaboration with a team of designers, artists, animators and other programmers. My role involved ......
The game is a class based 2D platform fighter.

This was  my second year game project, created with a team selected by the university. I did .... and took on the role of project manger to keep the game on track......The game is a 2D top down dungeon crawler.

First Year Game Project 2020/21

This was my first year game project that was created in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team drawn from the Games Academy. The game is a 3D tower defense with micromanagement resource gathering mechanics.

Get in touch at dylantoone@btinternet.com