The Team!

Mr Jonathan Zureo - Academy Instructor, Program Coordinator. Lecturer Information Systems Department. Teaching CCNA 3 & 4 and also wireless networking. Anything to do with the netacad enrolments, issues about the program or related questions please contact him. Read more about him...

Picky Airi - Academy instructor, Director Center for Learning & Teaching. Teaching the Graduate Certificate in Data Networking through Flexible Learning. Read more about him...

Rodney Gunik - Academy instructor co-teaching CCNA3 and wireless networking. Read more about him...

Lyall Dalle - Academy instructor co-teaching CCNA1 as well as Linux Essentials under NDG. Read more about him...

Salote Kaumu - FLC Officer who is responsible for managing the enrolments, applications, and other logistics that make this program happen. If you are undertaking the GCDN program, she will be the key person to make contact with before you make your way to DWU, Madang for the 1 week bootcamp.