
Temporary Change of Venue for the Wednesday Meetings

From February 2024, Dunedin 60 Plus Club will be meeting in the Southern Rugby Club Building Helena St. The meetings will still be on the 1st Wednesday of the month and this change of venue will be for the next 9 months. 

Buses are available on both Hillside and Macandrew Rds. (see the map for bus stop location).

Parking is available outside the venue in the angle parks 

The doors are open from 1:00 for a 1:30 meeting, a $2 door fee is accepted to assist with hall hire. See map below.                   

In the hall, tables are set up for books and puzzles. They are 'bring and take', no payment is involved. Also, there are notice boards listing all Club activities and coming events.

Annual events:

New and old members welcome.

For further Information phone Noel 455 2586 or Len 481 1876.