Volunteer Connection

About volunteer connection

Volunteer Connection is an essential process into verifying you as a Dulles red cross member who'll now be apart of the Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region.

Volunteer Connection is not only used to verify you but used to input your Red Cross Hours that'll go towards your Red Cross cord. Go to the "Systems" tab at the top to see your Red Cross Cord hour requirements.

Make sure you log into your Volunteer connections account once a month otherwise your account will become inactivated.

Step by Step Process

1. Visit Volunteer Connection

2. Click on "Get started"

3. Scroll down and click on "apply now"

4. Fill out the necessary information and continue

5. Verify your contact information with codes sent

6. Agree to policies

7. Lastly, provide parental consent

  • (You should receive the digital form through your guardians email that you entered while creating the account. If you did not get it, send ann.balthazar@redcross.org a request.)

8. Wait until your officers have confirmed that your account is ready to use.

Step by step video