Free Rice

About free rice

Free Rice is an ad-supported platform that runs on both mobile and desktop that allows players to donate rice to families in need by multiple choice quizzes.

Our code

Each school year the code for Free Rice will change. For this 2020 - 2021 year, the code to join in on raising free rice with Dulles Red Cross KM34M2R7

why we will use it

Free rice is a program that donates each grains of rice earned to the World Food Programme, just like the Red Cross mission statement, we hope to use Free Rice as a way to help and change lives by simply answering multiple choice quizzes with a variety of categories.

how we will use it

Our club will use Free rice to donate a total of 1 million grains of rice at the end of the year. Members will receive benefits such as Red Cross hours for every 2,000 grains of rice donated and Points for every 1,000 grains of rice donated

more information

For more information on how Free rice works or what it's all about, visit